
This is the project of database for apps, you can search for an application with keywords, category, or platform. The idea is to store application data, so you can search for software across all OS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This is a project of an applications database, you can search for an application with keywords, category, or platform. The main idea is storing application cross platform, so you can search for video editing software acrross all OS.


This is an Agile software project for a team of student in Univeristry of London.

  • Enrique Condes
  • Fernando Maroli
  • Mohammad ASFARi

How to run



  • Clone the project
  • change directory to FAMHE
  • code .
  • once Visual Studio opened, open terminal window
  • type: npm install (only required the first time)
  • type: node ./bin/database.js create root yourPassword (only for the first time to create database, user, tables, and seeds) root : this is root username (default root) for mariaDB yourPassword : this is root password for mariaDB The password will usually configured during the installation of mariaDB engine
  • type: npm start
  • open favorite browser and type localhost:3000 in the address bar

Delete Database

if you need to clean the database user and database:

  • type: node ./bin/database.js delete root yourPassword (Warning: this is will clear all data inside FAMHE database) root : this is root username (default root) for mariaDB yourPassword : this is root password for mariaDB The password will usually configured during the installation of mariaDB engine