Bibliography not showing up
me7pako opened this issue · 1 comments
As the title suggests, the bibliography simply does not show up. I have tried running the main file with biber and following it with pdflatex multiple times but to no avail. The main file is nothing out of the ordinary so I did not include it here.
Any ideas what the issue can be?
Ok I found a workaround for anyone having the same issue as mine:
instead of those two lines in the preamble:
\usepackage[style=authoryear,backend=bibtex]{biblatex} %backend tells biblatex what you will be using to process the bibliography file
I deleted them and put:
\begin{filecontents}{ [I put here mybiblography]}
and inside the dcoument I removed:
And replaced it with
\bibliographystyle{ieeetr} %to print the bibliography with original typing order
After that I would run the main.tex with bibtex and not with biber, and then pdflatex+makeindex+bibtex