- 2
Copyright page disappears
#285 opened by 0synonym - 2
Unable to compile on Overleaf.
#289 opened by TheLight8 - 1
tcolorbox idea + example
#284 opened by JamesMRamm - 0
Changing page numbering style
#290 opened by matteobettini - 1
- 1
Change of kaobox color possible?
#273 opened by me7pako - 0
How to format title of `\section{}`?
#283 opened by xaero7 - 6
sidecite horizontal alignment
#220 opened by RemDelaporteMathurin - 0
the footnote sign (1, 2, ...) or Chinese signs (e.g. •) will be carried to next line if it's at the end of the line when I use xeCJK package.
#280 opened by yangkwch - 2
Cannot use the empheq package
#247 opened by me7pako - 3
marginfigure and margintable do not compile
#256 opened by esarradj - 2
- 0
\sidecite in a \dictum
#279 opened by sparusaurata - 0
- 1
Bookmark hierarchy error
#274 opened by cndxflwb - 0
Back-reference to TOC
#276 opened by km5es - 0
Change the title of "List of Listings"
#270 opened by xiehao - 0
- 0
changing language to spanish causes compilation error in examples/documentation
#268 opened by alpelito7 - 0
Undefined references with kaobiblio even if there are no such references in main text
#267 opened by omasanori - 0
B5 and margintoc
#265 opened by Neogene - 0
- 0
How to include bibitem in bibliography?
#258 opened by tekrajchhetri - 1
The horizontal alignment of margin notes in framed theorem-like environments when combined with XeLaTeX
#255 opened by pi8027 - 2
- 3
parenthesis around equations with \refeq
#240 opened by luisberndt - 2
APA Citation in KaoBook
#245 opened by ziova - 1
`\nrefch{appendix}` with a wrong chapter name
#237 opened by xuehao - 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
Not possible to use the siunitx package
#248 opened by me7pako - 2
Shifted `\sidecite`s overlap
#239 opened by AlexanderZeilmann - 4
Sections appearing twice in PDF ToC
#214 opened by davidwlindholm - 3
Help with formatting
#243 opened by rajevv - 1
Bibliography not showing up
#249 opened by me7pako - 3
- 7
sidecite only once per page
#216 opened by fredguth - 0
- 0
Unframed assumption style and definition are missing
#231 opened by gehring - 0
Issues related to listings
#236 opened by pi8027 - 0
Widening a part of the paragraph.
#234 opened by HuaNhatHoai - 6
- 3
Make kaobook more configureable
#209 opened by AlexanderZeilmann - 3
Spacing before subequations
#210 opened by AlexanderZeilmann - 1
sidecite overlaps with side toc
#217 opened by quentinmarolleau - 1
- 3
Undefined control sequence. \theoremstyle
#205 opened by davidwlindholm - 1
kaobook in Korean
#204 opened by fmarotta - 3
Undefined Control Sequence \theoremstyle
#202 opened by Queuecumber