
Merge changes from "JWST" version by @kammerje?

vandalt opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi @fmartinache,

Would it be OK with you if I open a PR here with changes that are not JWST-specific from @kammerje's Xara version ( I already opened an issue there to suggest this: kammerje#21.

Here are some examples of updates we did that might be relevant for other instruments:

  • Updates to determine_origin() and recenter(): FPNM algorithm, optionally return dx & dy values
  • Hexagonal pupil model as a built-in option
  • Options to load from and save to the KPFITS format as defined by Kammerer et al. (2023)
  • Updated Python gitignore

At first it has a lot of JWST-specific features, but now that the JWST pipeline is on, it would be pretty easy to make a PR with the relevant changes only, merge them here, and have everyone using a single xara version.

Let me know what you think.

Thank you!