- 4
Mise à jour de 3.5.3 vers 3.6.0
#243 opened by CCyrilC - 0
No unit of measurement for outTemperature
#248 opened by jerry34ha - 0
Tybox 5000 themostat missing humidity data
#247 opened by Rody83570 - 0
Unknown device type for TyWell Control thermostat
#246 opened by Nini150 - 1
Capteur température externe
#230 opened by tanabay2705 - 1
Energy sensor error
#245 opened by Delaballe-85 - 1
Tysense Sun
#244 opened by Myosai - 3
Electricity stats not compliant with HA rules
#242 opened by rodtrip2 - 1
Contrôle porte de garage
#241 opened by musapinar - 1
- 1
Installation version 3.60
#238 opened by LGO44 - 13
Compatibilité avec TywellControl
#191 opened by SantoOfEmerald - 1
Docker installation unsupportedmedia type
#240 opened by mobiusrpi - 5
Connecté mais aucun appareil remonte..
#239 opened by b-Benji - 2
Manage garage as a cover instead of switch
#198 opened by fmartinou - 0
SSL connection
#235 opened by Matess67 - 5
Can't install addon to HA from store
#232 opened by ruben-nh - 0
Prise Noos
#234 opened by Coyote941 - 3
Multiples Tydom Pro
#233 opened by Jpc01310 - 7
Tydom Password not used in the container while correctly setup as environment
#209 opened by BilayKhan - 3
Add on documentation
#219 opened by catalane41 - 0
Change type of device
#229 opened by tanabay2705 - 4
Unable to use Tyxia 5650
#228 opened by moi952 - 4
Problème de mot de passe Tydom
#203 opened by Adri77540 - 0
Erreur dans les logs lors de l'arrêt de l'alarme
#227 opened by m2i11 - 1
Dockerhub tag latest
#221 opened by MateoGreil - 0
tydom2mqtt OK - MQQ OK but 1 Unknown device
#226 opened by Chinakid1973 - 5
Garage door with Hôrmann
#223 opened by LGO44 - 1
Addon should auto restart
#224 opened by MaisonGF - 2
Problem with the addon
#187 opened by catalane41 - 1
- 6
- 4
HA - Switch - plus de prise en compte des actions?
#201 opened by SylvainDx - 2
Connection error
#217 opened by Marcoparigi - 0
Support CLE 8000 Tyxal+
#216 opened by nopbop - 0
Tydom2mqtt with Home Assistant
#215 opened by physispc - 1
Garage door - Sommer motor
#214 opened by hockjl - 1
- 9
- 2
- 1
Sensor not created for Smoke detector DFR Tyxal+
#210 opened by badraxas - 3
- 0
#202 opened by Racailloux - 0
Gestion de plusieurs tydom
#200 opened by okp90 - 1
HVAC_Action in coooling Mod
#194 opened by dmorvant56 - 1
Tydom password must be defined
#182 opened by cth35 - 4
La configuration MQTT n'est plus prise en compte
#192 opened by BadarouxY - 0
Déconnexion Tydom
#186 opened by Jleuridant - 8
Compatibilité Pack Tysense Outsoor (Sun et thermomètre)
#184 opened by Eoras - 0
Fail to connect to Tydom
#181 opened by hockjl