
Simple proxy for the Readability Parser API

Primary LanguageRuby

Simple Readability.com Parser API Proxy

What we have here

  • Implementation: Sinatra, rack, rerun, heroku
  • Single page web UI to experiment with the proxy

API Token

Get a token from https://www.readability.com/developers/api/parser

Preferably set this with

heroku config:set READABILITY_PARSER_TOKEN=your_token

Else set in config.yml. Recommend you don't check this in.

Dev mode usage

READABILITY_PARSER_TOKEN=your_token rerun rackup

Or set the token in the config.yml.

Production deploy

git push heroku master

Production mode usage

heroku open

Or visit http://your-app-name.herokuapp.com


The parse proxy API is at


You can POST or GET against this endpoint.


  • url The url for which you want content.

    This is the url for which you want Readability's parser API response.

  • format The response format you expect, [json|html]. Defaults to json.

    • json format will return the entire raw json response from the Readability parser API.
    • html format will inject some css and return a valid html5 page with the content section of the parser API response. A header is added with the article title that is also a link to the original url.
  • onerr Whether to redirect on error, any value sets to true. Defaults to false.

    When set to true, any error from the parser API will respond with a redirect to the original url. This is useful if your client is loading the html format into a webview, for example. On Android for example this will cause the external browser to launch with the original url.

    This param has no effect in json format responses. Those already contain a json representation of the error.

Errors from the parser

There are various reasons the Readability parser API cannot return resonable content. If you are not using the onerr param then you will see the error rendered with json or html. The onerr param is a quick cheat to convert any error into a redirect to the original url.