- 2
Software Engineering 2
#99 opened by dinitto - 1
Software Verification
#107 opened by bennn - 1
Formal methods for concurrent and real-time systems
#106 opened by sanpietr - 1
Formal Methods for Software Engineering
#105 opened by dongjs1 - 1
Software Correctness, Security and Reliability
#104 opened by lucaneg - 1
Software Quality
#103 opened by luigiapetre - 1
Tools for Reliable Software Construction
#102 opened by luigiapetre - 1
Critical Systems
#101 opened by ghpc - 1
Software Verification
#108 opened by bennn - 1
Formal Methods
#97 opened by mctague434 - 1
Formal Method in Software Engineering
#98 opened by klaeufer - 1
Formal Methods in Software Engineering
#96 opened by alcinocunha - 1
- 2
Pemodelan Formal
#95 opened by adityabagoessaputra - 0
Formal Methods
#94 opened by rseba - 0
Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems
#93 opened by aplatzer - 0
Formal Methods
#92 opened by eskang - 1
TLA+ Workshop EWD998
#91 opened by lemmy - 1
Specify and verify
#90 opened by alaingiorgetti - 3
Certification du Logiciel
#88 opened by jnarboux - 3
#89 opened by schaeferandreas - 2
Ingeniería de Software 2
#87 opened by luigiapetre - 2
Concurrent Programming
#60 opened by fefrei - 1
The B-Method: from Specification to Code
#59 opened by marcel139 - 4
Formal methods: an introduction
#83 opened by tofgarion - 0
Formal methods in programming
#62 opened by ana-romero - 0
Software Engineering Mathematics
#67 opened by AndrewSimpsonOxford - 0
Ingeniería de software 1
#68 opened by maximilianocristia - 0
Modelling Reactive Systems
#70 opened by oanaandrei - 2
Spezifikation und Verifikation
#86 opened by mtaimoorkhan - 2
Spezifikation und Verifikation
#85 opened by mtaimoorkhan - 1
Specification and Verification
#84 opened by mtaimoorkhan - 2
Software Formal Analysis and Design
#79 opened by thomas-genet - 1
System Specification, Verification, and Synthesis
#82 opened by stavros7167 - 1
Formal Specification, Verification, and Synthesis
#81 opened by stavros7167 - 1
Logic and Computation
#80 opened by stavros7167 - 2
Formalno verificirani algoritmi
#77 opened by vedgar - 1
Theory of Computation
#74 opened by oanaandrei - 1
Formal Methods in Software Engineering
#78 opened by dlucanu - 1
Spécification, test et vérification
#76 opened by sylvainhalle - 1
#75 opened by mgudemann - 1
Correctness by Construction
#73 opened by mcarro - 0
Formal Methods in Software Design
#63 opened by reinerjh - 0
Formal Specification and Verification
#64 opened by reinerjh - 6
Advanced Topics in Software Verification
#61 opened by lsf37 - 2
Introduction to the Theory of Computation
#72 opened by cogumbreiro - 0
Software Specification
#65 opened by jff - 0
Programming Paradigms
#66 opened by asfmendes - 0
Formale Spezifikation und Verifikation
#69 opened by gernst - 0
Understanding Programming Languages
#71 opened by luigiapetre