Known Issues ------------ Solaris will reject duplicate selectors, so make sure there aren't multiple rules having the same selector. For example, don't create an encrypt policy between two hosts followed by a drop policy for the same hosts. There is a limitation in ipsecconf when using the -a arg to load policies from file. It seems like there is ~120 policy limit on the file. Files that are too large will segfault. One workaround is to use csplit to separate the policy file into 100 line pieces. Currently, a wildcard ('*') results in a in a solaris ipsecconf file. That is not correct syntax and needs to be fixed. Example Policy -------------- require 'policy_maker' # server definitions rush = server_pep 'rush', '' elvis = server_pep 'elvis', '' sinatra = server_pep 'sinatra', '' # network set definitions ns1 = network_set rush ns2 = network_set elvis ns3 = network_set sinatra ns4 = network_set '' # 1 host ns5 = network_set_range '', '' # 5 hosts ns6 = network_set '' # 253 hosts ns_all = network_set '*' policy_mesh 'encrypt', { :encrypt_alg => 'aes', :encrypt_key => '29dc32fad62af71e99e730b4115cb563', :auth_alg => 'hmac-sha1', :auth_key => 'c9cd510dced1aa66fede4481eb5e62f60596fd85', :network_sets => [ns1, ns2, ns3] } policy_mesh 'drop', { :network_sets => [ns2, ns5] } policy_mesh 'drop', { :network_sets => [ns3, ns4] } policy_mesh 'pass', { :network_sets => [ns1, ns4] } policy_mesh 'pass', { :network_sets => [ns2, ns_all] } generate_solaris_policies # policy files are only generated for defined server peps