
Create native policy files from network sets

Primary LanguageRuby

Known Issues

Solaris will reject duplicate selectors, so make sure there aren't multiple rules having the same selector. For example, don't create an encrypt policy between two hosts followed by a drop policy for the same hosts.

There is a limitation in ipsecconf when using the -a arg to load policies from file. It seems like there is ~120 policy limit on the file. Files that are too large will segfault. One workaround is to use csplit to separate the policy file into 100 line pieces.

Currently, a wildcard ('*') results in a in a solaris ipsecconf file. That is not correct syntax and needs to be fixed.

Example Policy

require 'policy_maker'

# server definitions
rush = server_pep 'rush', ''
elvis = server_pep 'elvis', ''
sinatra = server_pep 'sinatra', ''

# network set definitions
ns1 = network_set rush
ns2 = network_set elvis
ns3 = network_set sinatra
ns4 = network_set ''                      # 1 host
ns5 = network_set_range '', '' # 5 hosts
ns6 = network_set ''                   # 253 hosts
ns_all = network_set '*'

policy_mesh 'encrypt',
  { :encrypt_alg => 'aes',
    :encrypt_key => '29dc32fad62af71e99e730b4115cb563',
    :auth_alg => 'hmac-sha1',
    :auth_key => 'c9cd510dced1aa66fede4481eb5e62f60596fd85',
	  :network_sets => [ns1, ns2, ns3] }

policy_mesh 'drop', { :network_sets => [ns2, ns5] }
policy_mesh 'drop', { :network_sets => [ns3, ns4] }
policy_mesh 'pass', { :network_sets => [ns1, ns4] }
policy_mesh 'pass', { :network_sets => [ns2, ns_all] }

generate_solaris_policies # policy files are only generated for defined server peps