Wishlist project

A tiny API to implement a sort of wishlist to save your preferred itens from a list. Thanks to the guys from jsonplaceholder for providing such a nice API for fake data.



  • Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you cloned the project
  • Enter the code below to run the .jar inside the target folder: $ java -jar target/wishlist-1.0.0.jar
  • Wait a little while the application is being loaded, it will not take so long, the last output line should be something similar to: [...] Started WishlistApplication in 9.845 seconds (JVM running for 10.547) [...]
  • Open your browser and navigate to the url: http://localhost:8080
  • You will see the main page of the API, divided in 3 parts:
  1. Menu: a quick way to navigate through
  2. Search Form: search for all items from a specific user id
  3. Items List: list with all the items available


See all items in wishlist

GET /wishlist

Search an item from wishlist

GET /wishlist/{id}

Delete from wishlist

DELETE /wishlist/{id}

Insert in wishlist

POST /wishlist

userId: 1, 
id: 1, 
title: "SOME TEXT", 