
List of remote sensing (RS) multi-view datasets for exploring multi-view fusion learning. Extension from our JSTAR paper.

📡 Remote Sensing based Multi-view Datasets

List of remote sensing (RS) multi-view datasets for exploring multi-view fusion learning. 📡 🌎 📡

This is a complementary source used in the following paper:

Common Practices and Taxonomy in Deep Multi-view Fusion for Remote Sensing Applications
Dataset RS views Temporal? Task Region URL Additional URL
University of Houston UAV-based: HS and RGB optical, DSM (LiDAR) 👎 Image Segmentation USA https://hyperspectral.ee.uh.edu/?page_id=1075 ..
MSLCC MS optical (S2), SAR (S1) 👎 Image Segmentation Germany https://www.dlr.de/eoc/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-12760/22294_read-51180 ..
ISPRS 2D Challenge UAV-based: MS optical, DSM 👎 Image Segmentation Germany https://www.isprs.org/education/benchmarks/UrbanSemLab ..
So2Sat LCZ42 (Zhu et al. 2020) MS Optical (S2), SAR (S1) 👎 Image Classification Global https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1483140 https://doi.org/10.14459/2018mp1483140
Sen1Floods11 (Bonafilia et al. 2020) MS optical (S2), SAR (S1) 👎 Image Segmentation Global https://github.com/cloudtostreet/Sen1Floods11 ..
AI4Food (Kondmann et al. 2021) 2 MS optical (S2, PlanetFusion), SAR (S1) 👍 Image Classification Germany https://doi.org/10.34911/rdnt.z9y7vu ..
ForestNet (Irvin et al. 2020) MS optical (L8), DSM (SRTM), weather (NCEP) 👍 Image Segmentation Indonesia https://stanfordmlgroup.github.io/projects/forestnet/ ..
LFMC from SAR (Rao et al) MS Optical (L8), SAR (S1), weather, elevation, soil 👍 Pixel-wise Regression USA https://github.com/kkraoj/lfmc_from_sar https://beta.source.coop/repositories/stanford/sar-moisture-conent/description/
Dams (Donchyts et al. 2021) MS optical (S2) including VI, SAR (S1), DSM 👎 Image Segmentation Global https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/gdonchyts/global-dams-from-space ..
LandCoverNet (Alemohammad et al. 2021) 2 MS optical (S2, L8), SAR (S1) 👍 Image Segmentation Global https://doi.org/10.34911/rdnt.d2ce8i ..
BigEarthNet-MM (Sumbul et al. 2021) MS optical (S2), SAR (S1) 👎 Multi-label Classification Europe https://bigearth.net/ ..
EarthNet (Requena et al. 2021) MS optical (S2), weather (E-OBS), DSM (EUDEM) 👍 Image Regression Europe https://www.earthnet.tech/ https://www.earthnet.tech/en21x/download/
CropHarvest (Tseng et al. 2021) MS optical+NDVI (S2), SAR (S1), weather (ERA5), DSM (SRTM) 👍 Pixel-wise Classification Global https://github.com/nasaharvest/cropharvest ..
RapidAI4EO (Marchisio et al. 2021) MS optical (S2), MS optical (Planet) 👍 Image segmentation Europe https://rapidai4eo.radiant.earth/ ..
MultiSenGE (Wenger et al. 2022) MS optical (S2), SAR (S1) 👍 Image Segmentation France https://zenodo.org/records/6375466 ..
DynamicEarthNet (Toker et al. 2022) 2 MS optical (S2, PlanetFusion), SAR (S1) 👍 Image Segmentation Global https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1483140 https://doi.org/10.14459/2018mp1483140
Ombria (Drakonakis et al. 2022) MS optical (S2), SAR (S1) 👍 Image Segmentation Global https://github.com/geodrak/OMBRIA ..
PASTIS-R (Garnot et al. 2022) MS optical (S2), SAR (S1) 👍 Image Segmentation France https://github.com/VSainteuf/pastis-benchmark ..
SEN12MS-CR-TS (Ebel et al. 2022) MS optical (S2), SAR (S1) 👍 Image Segmentation Global https://patricktum.github.io/cloud_removal/ https://patricktum.github.io/cloud_removal/sen12mscrts/
WHU-OPT-SAR (Li et al. 2022) MS Optical (G1), SAR (G3) 👎 Image Segmentation China https://github.com/AmberHen/WHU-OPT-SAR-dataset ..
CloudSEN12 (Aybar et al. 2022) MS optical (S2), SAR (S1), DSM (MERIT) 👎 Image Segmentation Global https://cloudsen12.github.io/ ..
Satlas (Bastani et al. 2022) MS optical (S2 and NAIP) 👍 Multiple Tasks Global https://github.com/allenai/satlas ..
MultiEarth (Cha et al. 2022) MS optical (S2 and L8), SAR (S1) 👍 Multiple Tasks Global https://sites.google.com/view/rainforest-challenge/multiearth-2023 ..
MDAS (Hu et al. 2023) MS (S2) and HS (EnMAP, HySpex) optical, SAR (S1), DSM (DLR 3K) 👎 Pixel-wise Classification Germany https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1657312 https://doi.org/10.14459/2022mp1657312
TreeSatAI (Ahlswede et al. 2023) 2 MS optical (S2, UAV), SAR (S1) 👎 Pixel-wise Classification Germany https://zenodo.org/record/6780578 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6780578
BEN-GE (Mommert et al. 2023) MS optical (S2), SAR (S1), DSM (GLO-30), weather (ERA5) 👎 Image Segmentation Europe https://github.com/HSG-AIML/ben-ge ..
Crop Yield Prediction (Perich et al. 2023) MS optical (S2), weather 👍 Pixel-wise regression Switzerland https://www.research-collection.ethz.ch/handle/20.500.11850/595228 ..
Globe230k (Shi et al. 2023) RGB+NDVI optical (S2), DEM (NASA), SAR (S1) 👎 Image Segmentation Global https://zenodo.org/records/8429200
GreenEarthNet (Benson et al. 2024) MS optical (S2), weather, elevation 👍 Image Regression Europe https://github.com/earthnet2021/earthnet-minicuber
SICKLE (Sani et al. 2024) MS optical (S2 and L8), Radar (S1) 👍 Image Regression, Segmentation India https://sites.google.com/iiitd.ac.in/sickle/home
CropNet Dataset (Lin et al.) Optical (S2), weather 👍 Image Regression USA https://huggingface.co/datasets/fudong03/Tiny-CropNet
  • The RS Views column contains the views (and source where it was obtained), Temporal? column indicates if the labels have a temporal scope.

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Some abbrevations

Abbrevation name
DSM Digital Surface Map
EnMAP Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program
G1 Gaofen-1
G3 Gaofen-3
L7 Landsat-7
L8 Landsat-8
NAIP National Agriculture Imagery Program
NCEP National Centers for Environmental Prediction
S1 Sentinel-1
S2 Sentinel-2
SRTM Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
UAV Unnamed Aerial Vehicle