
This is about a new programming language called PizzaLang. Idea here is to explore implementing a new programming language.



  • This code has been crafted following the examples from
  • It does not use any engineering best practices and it certainly does not reflect my personal style of coding.
  • You can find many pizza program examples in the examples folder.


Compile the compiler (bake)

cd build
cmake ..

bake should be available at build/bin folder.

Builtin Keywords

Keyword Description Example
base Similar to function in other programming languages it declares a function base inc(x) x + 1;
topping/in Similar to var it delcares a variable topping x = 1 in print(x);
sauce Similar to extern it allows access to members declared in libs sauce print(x);
if/then/else Control flow, jumps depending on condition if x < 3 then print(0) else print(x);
for/in Control flow loops depending on condition for i=0, i<5 in print(i);
binary Allows creation of custom binary operators base binary| 5 (L R) if L then 1 else if R then 1 else 0;
unary Allows creation of custom unary operators base unary!(v) if v then 0 else 1;

Builtin Operators

Operator Description Example
= Sets a topping (variable) or an argument's value base test(x) x = 1; or topping x = 1;
< Compare numbers return either 0, 1 10 < 5;
+ Adds numbers 1 + 2;
- Subtracts numbers 1 - 2;
* Multiplys numbers 1 * 2;
/ Divides numbers 1 / 2;
() Lists args in bases (functions) and can change order of precedence base test(x) x = 1; or (1 + 2) * 3
{} Scopes, allows you to add groups of statements { topping x = 1; x = x + 1; print(x); }

Builtin Sauces

Sauce Description Example
print Prints to stdout argument's value print(10);
printchar Print the char to stdout printchar(10); # prints \n