
How to use net/rpc?

Server (process that listens): go run rpc/server/main.go ./test.sock

Client (process that connects): go run rpc/client/main.go ./test.sock "My Message"

How to use net/rpc over ssh?

Server (process that listens should be started on remote machine): go run rpc/server/main.go ./test.sock

Client SSH (process that connects to host machine): SSH_KEY=~/.ssh/id_rsa REMOTE_HOST=<machine> REMOTE_USER=<user> go run rpc/clientssh/main.go /absolute/path/to/test.sock "My Message"

How to use grpc?

Build: cd service && protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative service.proto

Server (process that listens): go run grpc/server/main.go ./test.sock

Client (process that connects): go run grpc/client/main.go ./test.sock "My Message" for stream/stdin mode: go run grpc/client/main.go ./test.sock -