
A collection of games written in C++11

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


A collection of games written in C++11

Building from source

  1. Make sure you have installed the following dependencies:
    • A compiler compliant with the C++11 standard (e.g. g++ 4.8 or clang++ 3.x)
    • cmake
    • git

The only other major dependency is SFML, which is included in the libs/ directory. Users running Windows and Mac can build all the games right out of the box. Users running Linux will need to install SFML's dependencies as described here.

  1. Download and build games:

    First, clone the repository (Depending on your network settings, you may have to use the https protocol instead of the git protocol):

     $ git clone git://github.com/fmenozzi/games.git
     $ cd games

    Then, create a build directory and run cmake to build the build files (if you want to do additional configuration with CMake, run ccmake .. instead):

     $ mkdir build && cd build
     $ cmake ..

    Now, use whatever build system you prefer to actually build the games. Users on Mac and Linux can simply use make. Users on Windows can do...whatever the hell Windows users do to build C++. A Visual Studio project? I don't know. (I write my C++ on Linux. Sue me.)

  2. There should now be a slew of executables in your build directory, one for each game. Have fun!


All game source is licensed under the MIT License