The Impact of Human Behavior in Emergency Evacuations


This project is the result of joint work with my friends, João Palet and Joana Alves.

Information about this repository

This repository contains the project developed in the Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems course. The idea of this project was to model different aspects of individual human characteristics and behaviors in situations of emergency evacuations (for example, when there is a fire), and try to better understand their impact through computer simulations. Some aspects that we have considered were cooperation (is it "better" to communicate to others that there is a fire happening even though I may get prejudiced by it?), the layout of the building (give two layouts, for example, for a supermarket, is one of them better than the other regarding the rate of survivors?), and many others as can be seen in the file.

To run the project, simply run $python inside the root directory. Make sure you have python and pygame installed. Pygame wiki:

Note: The file is not part of the main project. It is an auxiliary file that was used to run the simulations for experimental results for the report.