As an alternative to google docs have you considered ipfs?
Closed this issue · 5 comments
- pinned ipfs
and - ipns
it would make it a lot more attractive to browsers forked off chromium which currently don't have a good sync option
I don't know much about IPFS. Is there some way to perform recursive wildcard/fuzzy searches through the file names in a directory (or the IPFS equivalent of directories)?
IPFS is based on Merkle tree, so you can display all elements under your root resource. You can use:
web ui: http://localhost:8080/ipfs/<your_root_resource_hash>
shell commands:
ipfs ls <your_root_resource_hash>
ipfs refs -r <your_root_resource_hash>
It would be a good deal of work to get ipfs working. Perhaps instead you could leave some pointers on how someone could do it. Another nice option might be a s3 backend. Let's leave some pointers on next steps and we can close the issue. WIth the other changes going, perhaps we could just use a google doc until the repo is chosen.
Once browserpass-chromeos is out, the ideal way for adding IPFS support would simply be to write an IPFS file system provider as a separate Chrome OS app. This has been done for Dropbox and S3, with more hints on how to get started on a provider available here. Note that the Dropbox provider is from a third-party.