

Primary LanguageRust

TL;DW (Too Long; Didn't Watch)

Summarize YouTube videos using ChatGPT.


Usage: tldw [OPTIONS] --video-url <VIDEO_URL>

  -v, --video-url <VIDEO_URL>
  -e, --engine <ENGINE>        [default: 4]
  -p, --prompt <PROMPT>        [default: 0]
  -h, --help                   Print help
  -V, --version                Print version


  • An environment variable named OPENAI_API_KEY must be defined, containing an OpenAI API secret key.
  • yt-dlp must be installed and available in your system's PATH.


  • Due to API restrictions, you may exhaust your token limit before receiving a complete summary.
  • Videos without subtitles cannot be processed.
  • The quality of summaries based on auto-generated subtitles may vary.
  • Results default to English, even if the input language is different.


%%{ init : { "theme" : "forest", "flowchart" : { "curve" : "stepBefore" }}}%%
graph TD
    A[Get YouTube URL] --> B[Attempt to download subtitle]
    B -->|Fail| C[Attempt to download auto-generated subtitle]
    B -->|Success| D[Process subtitles]
    C -->|Fail| E[Abort process]
    C -->|Success| D[Process subtitles]
    D --> F[Clean subtitles by removing timestamps, duplicates, and escape characters]
    F --> G[Check if prompt length > 1000 tokens]
    G -->|Yes| H[Split prompt into n chunks]
    H --> I[Submit each chunk to ChatGPT, append each output and process until all chuncks are done]
    G -->|No| J[Submit entire prompt to ChatGPT and wait for completion]
    I --> K[Combine and process ChatGPT responses]
    J --> K[Process ChatGPT response]
    K --> L[Print results]