new shortcode: kalau contoh kode dan result sama, cukup tulis satu kali di markdown.
Just getting started! Please don't submit a new article for now. Feel free to throw any ideas, correct typos or suggesting new features on issue/PR.
Programming reference in Indonesian language.
Visit discussion tab in this repository.
- Site :
- Documentation :
- Discussion: Discussion
- Author: hilmanski
- Install Hugo
- Clone repo
- Run server locally + search
- Watch tailwind (open new terminal tab)
Install - One time only
cd themes/twhugo
yarn install
Next time for Dev
cd themes/twhugo
yarn dev
or one liner
cd themes/twhugo && yarn dev
Run command
hugo new HTML/
- change HTML to whatever folder/language you're working on
- update the "order", based on latest order. Increase it by 10 or 5
- if new chapter -> add key "chapter" in frontmatter
- Write alert (info box)
{{<alert class="info">}}
<p> HTML itu singkatan dari <span class='italic'>hypertext markup language</span>.</p>
// variasi class= info / warning / try / comment
- Codepen
{{<codepen src="id-codepen"}}
- Codesandbox shortcode Info: it's not working for "static HTML". search for alternative
- Figure / Image / GIf {{< mediacontent src="" title="screenshot new file di VSCode" >}}
- Very important ! (reread everything. edit multiple times! hapus "kita" menjadi "gunakan" misalnya)
- Upgrade design 100x better (use nice images)
- Make homepage background alive (nice homepage) example:
- social image (OG graph autoamte by vercel)
- about page with disqus-comments
- clean highlight
- share on sekolahkoding
- share on pulodev
- share on facebook
- share on twitter
- share on instagram
- share on tiktok
- add link to (hilmanspace, sekolahkoding, halokoding)
- add JS
- Write Live editor ?
- Main site: Hugo static site generator
- CSS: tailwind
- Code highlight
- Codepen, Codesandbox
- text styling
- add menu html dan css at navbar
- Article: (much later) css content dont forget (pseudo selector, comment, etc..)
Make endpoint for /html /css /etc.. redirect referensi
substack skodev newletter -> as link
introduce new component: {{}} to show html results. change everything with hasil to use this component.