
code to generate poster about the Echinoderms project on iNaturalist (http://inaturalist.org/projects/echinoderms)

Primary LanguageTeX

The echinoderm project on iNaturalist

This repository contains the code and data to generate the poster presented (for the first time) at the 7th North American Echinoderm Conference held June 1-6 2014, in Pensacola, FL.

About the project

We started a project on Echinoderms at iNaturalist to gather observations worldwide, and across taxa. Our goal is to improve our knowledge of species distributions, variation, and biology, and to educate the public about the diversity of Echinoderms.

How to run the code?

You need:

In R, after pulling the content of the repository, you should be able to just do:


and then compile with your favorite TeX engine the file generated iNaturalist-poster.tex.

I used Ubuntu 14.04 to generate the files included in this repository.


The content of this repository is under a Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY

Michonneau F. & Paulay G., 2014. Using iNaturalist to engage the public and learn more about echinoderms. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.1040435.