
Provide 1D-1V plotting capabilities

Opened this issue · 14 comments

I post here a user request from Rami.

To allow comparison to literature and provide a common plot type we need the possibility to have vx vs. x plots, i.e. 2D plots with one spatial and one velocity axis.

I reckon it is rather straightforward to put in a script and should not be hard either to integrate as a GUI option similar or in addition to the cut through.

@sandroos added something like this also to vlsvextract(?), but I am not sure how to use it. It could also perhaps only be in some amr branch. I think the axis might also be fixed.

This was added to debug spatial amr

I started to patch a script together, some of it can then be added to the GUI parts. It is a rather heavy operation though.
Here's an example output for a shock tube run.

Nice :) One can see how the waves are visible aslo in the incoming beam. This tools is also very useful when comparing against other vlasov solvers.

This one has full resolution and shows the shock transition.

Yes it's a classic plot type often used a.o. in shock simulations.

In the first (high spatial resolution example) there is banding. Is this an artifact of this mapping, is there some kind of aliasing going on?

This was just a matter of selecting a sensible number of v bins...

Ok, i guess one would get rid of it by forcing bins to have a size that is a multiple of dv.

What I did is not what Rami wants, @ykempf is on the right track here.

Yes, that's what I did.

From: Sebastian von Alfthan []
Sent: 16 March 2015 18:08
To: fmihpc/vlsv-python-tools
Cc: Yann Kempf
Subject: Re: [vlsv-python-tools] Provide 1D-1V plotting capabilities (#9)

Ok, i guess one would get rid of it by forcing bins to have a size that is a multiple of dv.

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Is this fixed?

This could be actually lifted out of the mothballs, also see #10.

The single-cell calculation is handled here, actually, and I should have some example usage from the electron days.

Thank you very much for your interest. We will try to handle your request in the shortest possible time.