
Ruby on Rails plugin that creates a dynamic glossary for any terms on any page

MIT LicenseMIT

Hamato by Fluid Media Inc.

Hamato is a plugin that allows you add a glossary to your site.  By passing it a hash of words, it will
replace all occurences of those words on your page with a pop-up link (or whatever you like) that shows 
a definition your provide of that term.

It uses Hpricot so you'll need install that as well.

The popups are done using pure css.


To use Hamato, include the following in your layout:

	<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'hamato' %>
and, to create a link to toggle it on and off:
	<%= toggle_glossary_link 'toggle glossary'%>

The name of the link can be left blank and a default will be provided.

In your controller, add:

	after_filter :do_glossary

	def do_glossary
		# yields <a class=\"info\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\"><b>#{k}</b><span>#{v}</span></a> by default		
		set_glossary(response.body, glossary, 'p') 

		# or pass a block to create your own
		#{|k,v| "<a class=\"info\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\"><b>#{k}</b><span>#{v}</span></a>"}
	def glossary
		{:children => 'these are small people', :ruby => 'is what we likes best' }

In this example, all the <p> tags in the body of the response will be scanned for occurences of 'children' 
and 'ruby'.  If found, they are replaced with a hyperlinked version that displays a popup with 'these are
small people' and 'is what we like best', respectively, when hovered over.

set_glossary takes the string to be substituted (destructively), the hash to use as a glossary and the subset 
of tags to do the replacement on.  You can leave this blank to traverse all tags - only text should replaced.  
The block following the call is used to create the replacement tag.  If blank, a default block will be provided.  

Copyright (c) 2008 Fluid Media Inc., released under the MIT license