
Next.js component for creating responsive image gallery

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license npm version

Next.js component for creating responsive image gallery

Now supports Server Components

Example on desktop


npm install next-gallery


import { Gallery } from "next-gallery"

const images = [
    { src: "https://picsum.photos/id/1018/1920/1080/", aspect_ratio: 16/9 },
    { src: "https://picsum.photos/id/1015/1920/1080/", aspect_ratio: 16/9 },
const widths = [ 500, 1000, 1600 ]
const ratios = [ 2.2, 4, 6, 8 ]

export default function MyGallery() {
    return (
        <Gallery {...{images, widths, ratios}} />

Gallery can be used as both client and server component, but it's recommended to use it as server component because it will allow to do all calculations on the server and ship no JS to the user. (All image resizing is done by CSS.)

More examples in example directory.


  • images - array of images where every image is an object with properties:
    • src - image source
    • aspect_ratio - image aspect ratio (width / height)
    • alt (default: "") - image alt
    • nextImageProps (default: {}) - object with additional props passed to nextjs' Image component. See next/image
  • widths - array of width breakpoints in pixels (e.g. [400, 800, 1200])
  • ratios - array of aspect ratios. Its length has to be one greater than widths array (e.g. [16/9, 32/9, 48/9, 64/9] along with widths above would result in row of proportion at most 16:9 (e.g. one 16:9 image or two 9:16, etc.) for screen widths 0-400px, 32:9 for 400-800px, etc.)
  • percentVw (default: 100) - percent of viewport width that gallery takes (used for image optimization, doesn't change how gallery looks)
  • gap (default: "2px") - gap between images, needs to be valid css value (e.g. "2px", "2rem", etc.)
  • imgLoader (default: next default loader) - image loader, see next/image
  • lastRowBehavior (default: "match-previous") - "match-previous", "fill" or "preserve". See last row behavior section below.
  • for other props available only for certain lastRowBehavior values see last row behavior section below.
  • overlay (optional) - It is a function that takes image index and returns ReactNode that will be rendered as overlay for every image. Overlay can be used e.g. for displaying text on top of the image or for selecting images (see example below).
import { Gallery } from 'next-gallery'

const images = [
    { src: 'https://picsum.photos/id/1019/1440/1080/', aspect_ratio: 4 / 3 },

const overlays = ['Image 1', ...];

const overlayStyle = {...} as const;

export default function Page() {
    return (
        <div className="flex flex-col gap-10">
                widths={[500, 1000, 1600]}
                ratios={[2.2, 4, 6, 8]}
                overlay={(i) => (
                    <div style={overlayStyle}>

last row behavior

See live comparison between lastRowBehavior options.


Last row always has proportion given by ratios property. Images align themselves to the left and leave empty space on the right.


Last row fills whole width of the gallery. (This may cause the last row to look disproportionately high)

  • threshold (default: 0) - number in range [0,1] that determines when the last row should be filled. If last row would take more percent of width than threshold, it will be expanded to fill the remaining space. Otherwise it behaves like preserve. (threshold = 0 will always fill the last row, threshold = 1 is equivalent to preserve)


It tries to align last row to the previous one, so that some of the gaps between images in last and second last row align in a straight line.

  • shrinkLimit (default: 0.5) - number in range [0,1] that determines how much the last row can shrink. 0 means that there is no limit, 1 means that last row will not shrink at all, 0.5 means that last row can shrink to half of its original size.
  • growLimit (default: 1.5) - number in range [1,∞] that determines how much the last row can grow. means that there is no limit, 1 means that last row will not grow at all, 1.5 means that last row can grow by 50% of its original size.
  • preferGrow (default: 2) - how much is it preferred to grow the last row than shrink it. For example, if set to 2 and the algorithm could choose between growing by 20% or shrinking by x, it would choose to grow when x > 10%, otherwise it would shrink. If set to 1, it always chooses smaller change in percent.