
A tool translating LLVM IR to CryptoLine

Primary LanguageC++


===== Introduction =====

llvm2cryptoline is a tool aiming to translate LLVM IR code into the Cryptoline domain-specific language.

===== Requirements =====

  1. cmake (>= 3.4.3, lower version may be viable, you are welcomed to have a try)
  2. LLVM (>= 3.7.0, checked until version 7.0.0)

NOTE: the LLVM version used for compiling llvm2cryptoline SHOULD be the same as the one corresponding to the IR code.

===== LLVM Installation =====

NOTE: If you have already installed LLVM, you can skip this part.

  1. Download LLVM (3.7.0 <= version <= 7.0.0) source code from http://releases.llvm.org/download.html

  2. Extract the source code from the downloaded package. Assume that the top-level directory of the source code is SRC_ROOT.

  3. Enter BUILD_DIR, where you want to build your LLVM. For example, create directory SRC_ROOT/build and enter in:

    cd SRC_ROOT mkdir build && cd build

  4. Assume that you want to install LLVM into the directory INSTALL_DIR, then:


    For example, if you are in SRC_ROOT/build, you can:


  5. Build:


    Or use n processors to speed up:

    make -jn

  6. Install:

    make install

  7. Now you can delete all files in SRC_ROOT and BUILD_DIR.

===== llvm2cryptoline Compilation =====

Assume that SRC_ROOT is the top-level directory of the llvm2cryptoline source code, LLVM_INSTALL_DIR is the directory where you installed your LLVM (i.e. INSTALL_DIR in the previous part).

  1. cd SRC_ROOT

  2. mkdir build && cd build

  3. if the installed LLVM version < 3.9.0, run:

    cmake -DLLVM_DIR=LLVM_INSTALL_DIR/share/llvm/cmake/ ..

    if the installed LLVM version >= 3.9.0, then run:

    cmake -DLLVM_DIR=LLVM_INSTALL_DIR/lib/cmake/llvm/ ..

  4. make

===== llvm2cryptoline Usage =====

Use the following command line:


- FILE    	       the LLVM IR code (.ll) file

- FUNCTION_NAME    the translated function name

- BLOCK_NAME       the translated basic block name