Felix Harrison

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I'm Felix - a developer, traveller, lycra clad cyclist, and spicy food enthusiast. I tried my hand at a few things following my graduation from univeristy with a 2:1 honours degrees in Forensic Science. I tasted and traded tea for 6 months, taught English in three continents over a 4 year period and ran an international hostel and live music venue in Japan for over a year.

Following a three month trip around South America after saying goodbye to Japan, I returned to the UK with the dream of becoming a developer and so I dived head first in the world of programming.

I have recently graduated from a 16-week intensive coding bootcamp at Makers Academy and I am looking for a Full Stack Junior Developer role in an exciting company. I am looking for somewhere I can continue to learn and develop my skills while working with people who are passionate about the languages they use and the projects they work on.



Communication has been a integral part of all my previous roles and as a developer, I believe it is very important to be able to succinctly communicate your ideas, views and concepts to your colleagues and clients.

When I was an English teacher, it was my job to talk to and engage not only with students, but also with their parents. I learnt that it was not just verbal communication that was important because I frequently found myself communicating with people who didn't have a strong grasp of the English language. I learnt how to overcome language barriers through lots of different types of communication and as a result was able to build strong relationships with my students and their parents.

Problem Solving

I gained valuable problem solving and analytical skills while doing my degree in Forensic Science. I found that the modules that relied heavily on physical science, mathematics and analytics, were the ones I excelled at and enjoyed the most.

During my time as a tea trader, I was dealing with clients from all over the world and negotiating high value deals each week. I reviewed all the components of a deal and was in charge of it every step of the way - from garden to cup, pricing each step, often overcoming problems that would crop up during the lifetime of the contract and ensuring that the product arrived with the client on time and in perfect condition.

Fast and Active Learner

Learning something new has always excited me and I enjoy the benefits of learning a new skill. I actively try to include learning in all aspects of my life. I love languages and spending time abroad has given me the opportunity to learn Italian and Japanese.

As a developer, I strongly believe you are a Knowledge Worker and continuous learning is one of the most rewarding things about coding. Ruby is the main language focus of the course but we were tasked with learning Javascript in one week and building a single page app using JS, JQuery with AJAX. I am currently teaching myself Swift 3 in order to start developing iOS apps. All the high level skills I have learnt at Makers makes this relatively simple and exciting and pushes me to learn more an more languages.


Project Description Technologies Timeframe Testing
Ensemble A Web Platfrom where musicians can collaborate on projects with others from around the world Check it out Ruby on Rails, Postgres, Javascript, HTML, CSS 10 days RSpec, Capybara
Haysta:K A Chrome extension search tool to helper users find answers to FAQs/PAQs quickly & effectively here JavaScript 4 days Jasmine
Makersyelp A yelp clone Ruby on Rails, Active Record 4 days Ruby
Thermostat Single Page Thermostat App JavaScript, JQuery 4 days Jasmine


Makers Academy (August 2016 to December 2016)

A 16-week Web Development Immersive bootcamp, focusing on:

  • Pair programming
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Agile practices
  • Test Driven Development and Constant Integration.
  • Ruby, Rails, Javascript, Node.js
  • Rspec, Cucumber, Jasmine, Mocha

University of Kent (September 2008 to June 2011)

Forensic Science BSc
Upper Second Class with Honours

TEFL Teaching Certificate with i-to-i

3-month part time course to become a Teacher of English as a Foreign Language


Alchemy, Kobe (September 2014 to September 2015)
General Manager/ Events Co-ordinator

iTTTi Japan (July 2013 to September 2014)
Lead English Teacher

Thompson, Lloyd & Ewart (December 2011 - May 2012)
Tea Broker