
Alfred workflows I created for myself.

Primary LanguagePython


Alfred Workflows

Alfred is a prodyctivity app for Mac that boosts your efficiency with hotkeys, keywords, text expansion and more.

You can extend Alfred functionality with Workflows, which allows you to write code to create your own custom integrations and tooling.


In this repo you can find the workflows I created for myself.


Contains all the workflows I use to interact with my Notion account.

It uses notion-py unofficial Python 3 client for Notion.so API v3.

Journal Entry

I like to keep a log of all the activities I do every day, not only for work but for everything.

I create this workflow as a shortcut to add an entry to my log in a Notion page easily.

How it works?

  1. Trigger Alfred
  2. Type nj
  3. Type what you want to entry and hit enter.
  4. That's it

It will add your entry with the date and time.

Download Notion.alfredworkflow

Code /notion/journal-entry.py