
To package:
$ helm package helm-chart-sources/*

To generate index yaml:
$ helm repo index --url https://fmontezuma.github.io/helm-chart/ .

To configure Helm client:
$ helm repo add fmontezuma https://fmontezuma.github.io/helm-chart/
$ helm repo add fmontezuma-dev https://fmontezuma.github.io/helm-chart/dev/ $ helm repo add fmontezuma-hml https://fmontezuma.github.io/helm-chart/hml/ $ helm repo add fmontezuma-prd https://fmontezuma.github.io/helm-chart/prd/

To search Helm repository:
$ helm search fmontezuma

To generate yamls from repository
$ helm fetch fmontezuma/{chart_name} --untar
For single yaml file: $ helm template ./{chart_name} > output.yml
For structured folder: $ helm template ./{chart_name} --output-dir ./output

Merges to branches DEV, HML and PRD are made when k8s-common chart get more stable