
goJweto (Golang JSON Web Token) is a Golang implementation for REST service security.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

golang + JWT = goJwt (GoJweto)

goJwt (Golang for JSON Web Token) is a Golang implementation for REST service security.
You can see an extended doc in godocs.


JWT (JSON Web Token) is a standard to make secure a connection in a compact URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties.
See more info here.


  • First, You should create your RSA key pairs.
    Create /tls-ssl/jwtkeys/ directory in your root path of your project:

    cd jwt/keys
    openssl genrsa -out rsakey.pem 2048
    openssl rsa -in rsakey.pem -pubout > rsakey.pem.pub
  • Or You should create your ECDSA key pairs.
    Create /tls-ssl/jwtkeys/ directory in your root path of your project:

    • First, select a curve list:

      openssl ecparam -list_curves
    • Then, select secp256r1 or secp384r1:

      cd jwt/keys
      openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp384r1 | sed -e '1,3d' > ecdsakey.pem
      openssl ec -in ecdsakey.pem -pubout > ecdsakey.pem.pub
  • Next, You should download my library:

    go get github.com/fmorenovr/gojwt/
  • Then, you should use for differents implements in Go.

    • First, Create a HMAC_SHA gojwt object, specifying nameServer, headerAuth in request, secretKey, bytes, and expiration time (in hours).

        var GojwtObject, _ = gojwt.NewGojwtHMAC_SHA("JnzadsServer", "jnzads-rest", "Jnzads-rest-JWT", "512", 24)
    • Or a RSA/ECDA Object, specifying nameServer, headerAuth in request, privKeypath, pubKeyPath, bytes, and expiration time (in hours).

        var GojwtObject, _ = gojwt.NewGojwtRSA("JnzadsServer", "Jnzads-rest-JWT", privKeyPath, pubKeyPath, "384", 24)
        var GojwtObject, _ = gojwt.NewGojwtECDSA("JnzadsServer", "Jnzads-rest-JWT", privKeyPath, pubKeyPath, "256", 24)
    • Then, generate the token string specifyind a nameserver and username:

        tokenString, _ := GojwtObject.CreateToken(Username)
    • Using in Go net/http package:

      • Add examples/goJwtHandler.go in your controllers directory.

      • Then, in your muxServe add:

          muxHttp.HandleFunc("/setToken", setTokenHandler)
          muxHttp.HandleFunc("/login", LoginHandler)
          muxHttp.HandleFunc("/profile", gojwt.MiddlewareGojwtHeaders(WithAuthHandler, NoAuthHandler))
    • Using in BeeGo:

      • Add examples/goJwtBeeGoController.go in your controllers directory.

      • And, in other controllers, add your new controller instead beegoController.

            import (
            type AlertController struct {