Adapters smart contracts used on different Aave markets
This repository is configured to use Buidler with Typescript, Typechain, Waffle and ethers.js.
The folder structure is:
- contracts/ for the Solidity code
- helpers/ for misc typescript helpers, including different abstractions, builder-related helpers or the custom types of the project, amongst others.
- tasks/ for the buidlers tasks, splitted in deployments for "atomic" deployment-related tasks per contract, migrations for sequences of other tasks and misc for additional helper tasks.
- test/ for the Waffle tests.
- types/ for the Typechain-generated types.
docker-compose up
will start a docker container to which is possible to connect by using docker-compose exec contracts-env bash
from another console. From withing that container, it's possible to execute all the available npm scripts contained on the package.json in order to compile the contracts, execute the tests, generate the Typechain types or deploy to buidlerevm, Kovan, Ropsten and Main networks.
For example, to execute the tests on the CpmPriceProvider, the available npm script is npm run test.
The deployed contracts by network can be found on the deployed-contracts.json file.
Of those, only the ones including CpmPriceProvider in their name are deployed in the main Ethereum networks and connected to the Aave protocol.
An audit performed by Consensys Diligence of the CpmPriceProvider contract can be found here and more information about it here on the Uniswap Market tab. In the case of the new Aave Uniswap Market, this is the only piece of logic added to the protocol.
The code on this repository is under the AGPL v3 license