
MERN Stack e-Commerce platform to empower small-medium sized bike shops. It uses the power and scalability of NoSQL MongoDB integrated with the flexibility of popular Javascript technologies of Node, React, Redux, Express, and Mongoose. Includes authentication using JSON Web Tokens and allows shop owners to analyze real-time revenue data and reports with ChartJS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Spoker.io

Codename Spoker.io is a MERN Stack eCommerce application. Using powerful cloud noSQL MongDB and the popular React.js frontend framework to create a unique shopping experience for the cyclists. While empowering shops of any size to increase sales and customer satisfaction. Name is subject to change later.

  • M : MongoDB
  • E : Express
  • R : React
  • N : Node


  • Redux (Partial integration for JWT)
  • Mongoose
  • Bootstrap
  • NodeMailer

Application Features: (as of 1/11/2020)

  • Inventory Management
  • User Authentication
  • Orders Management
  • Customer Profile
  • Email Confirmation
  • Mobile Responsive Design


Create .env file inside the backend directory that includes:

clientId= <GOOGLE OAUTH Client ID>
clientSecret= <GOOGLE OAUTH Client Secret>
refreshToken= <GOOGLE OAUTH Refresh Token>
accessToken= <GOOGLE OAUTH Access Token>

Generate a JWT Secret Key at GRC.com/passwords

Getting Started

From the root directory, run the following commands:

For the very first build run:

  • $ docker-compose build

Then every time after that:

  • $ docker-compose up -d Remove the -d if you want console read out and warnings

Your Node Backend server will be running at http://localhost:5000 and your client application will be running at http://localhost:3000

To stop the services:

  • $ docker compose-stop

To kill the services:

  • CTRL + C and then $ docker compose-down

Project Update:

  • 01/11/2021: Project MVP version 1.0
  • 01/24/2021: Docker-Compose tested and Spoker Container deployed successfully on virtual windows machine.