
MERN Stack React YouTube clone with Docker support and Material-UI

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React MERN YouTube Clone

  • M : MongoDB
  • E : Express
  • R : React / Material-UI
  • N : Node


Create .env file inside the backend directory that includes:


Getting Started without Docker

From the root directory, run the following commands:

For the very first build run:

  • cd to project root at ~\Youtube_Clone
  • $ npm run dev will launch a concurrently script
  • see results in the terminal

Getting Started with Docker

From the root directory, run the following commands:

For the very first build run:

  • $ docker-compose build

Then every time after that:

  • $ docker-compose up -d Remove the -d if you want console read out and warnings

  • these two steps can be combined into one command $ docker-compose up --build -d

Your Node Backend server will be running at http://localhost:5000 and your client application will be running at http://localhost:3000

To stop the services:

  • $ docker compose-stop

To kill the services:

  • CTRL + C and then $ docker compose-down


If your container fails to build or exits with an error code docker build -t <APP_NAME> .

Project Update:

  • 01/24/2021: Docker-Compose tested and App Container deploys
  • 02/25/2021: Material-UI Core integrated into the project to match YouTube's theme
  • 05/25/2021: Added MongoDB server support for comments