Init system

Install python:

ansible-playbook  init.yml -i hosts/vm  -u diego --ask-become-pass

Install mongodb

ansible-playbook dev.yml --tags mongodb --ask-become-pass -i hosts/vm

Then run these on the primary you are selecting: (change ip addresses for hostnames)

rs.initiate( {
   _id : "mongo-repl-set",
   members: [ { _id : 0, host : "" } ]

installing CockroachDB

I'm sure there is a better way than running 3 diff tags, will look into it later

ansible-playbook --tags cockroachdb             --ask-become-pass -i hosts/vm dev.yml
ansible-playbook --tags cockroachdb-primary     --ask-become-pass -i hosts/vm dbservers-seed.yml 
ansible-playbook --tags cockroachdb-secondary   --ask-become-pass -i hosts/vm dbservers-non-seed.yml 

Installing Couchbase community 4.x

ansible-playbook dbservers.yml --tags couchbase --ask-sudo-pass -i hosts/vm
ansible-playbook dbservers.yml --tags couchbase --ask-sudo-pass -i hosts/vm

Yes, run it twice, the first one will fail due to some systemd error but the second run will complete, Couchbase 5.0 will support Ubuntu 16.04 officially

Go to http://<any couchbase-server-ip/hotname>:8091 and follow the prompts to setup the cluster. Then go to the other nodes, same port and join the cluster setup on the previous step (use the same user/pass to join as defined on prev step)