
This is a sample kotlin project to showcase a demo MVP Android project. It shows how different frameworks interact with each other on the MVP architecture.


  • RxJava 2 (with Kotlin extensions)
  • Retrofit 2
  • Dagger 2 (for Dependency Injection)
  • SQLBrite (Reactive SQL queries)
  • Timber (logging)
  • Picasso (for image loading)
  • ThreeTenABP (JSR-310)
  • JUnit + Mockito (Unit tests)
  • Robolectric (Android SDK unit tests)
  • Espresso (Android UI tests)


This application uses The Movie DB API. You need to obtain an API key for the application before using it. Create a file named project-keys with the following line MOVIES_DB_API_KEY = "<YOUR_API_KEY>"


This project follows the Model-View-Presenter/Model-View-Intent architecture. You can read more about it here.