My go through deep reinforcement learning in pytorch

Primary LanguagePython

CEOT-DRL is a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) package mainly used in the Centro de Electrónica, Optoelectronica e Telecomunicações (CEOT) research center: https://www.ceot.ualg.pt/ for DRL research on networking and systems. CEOT-DRL is designed such that it abstracts almost everything. Therefore, regardless of which computational graph platform is used to define the neural nets, it still can run smoothly.

Current published version of CEOT-DRL 0.1 supports only common DRL algorithms, but our own models/algorithms will be published here after our papers gets accepted. Currently supported algorithms are:

2- Double DQN (included) : https://arxiv.org/abs/1509.06461

3- Dueling Double DQN (included) : https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.06581

4- Actor-Critic (A2C) with n-steps (included) : https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.01783

5- Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) (included) : https://arxiv.org/abs/1509.02971

6- DQN with Prioritized Experience Replay (in progress): https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.05952

7- DQN with LSTM, a.k.a Recurrent DQN (RDQN) (queued): https://arxiv.org/abs/1507.06527

8- TD3 a.k.a Fujimoto (queued): https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.09477

Current examples of CEOT-DRL are implemented in pytorch but it should support any platform. The reason is that, the agents are implemented is independent from computational graph platform. In addition, some parts might require optimization and at the current phase we are taking care of that, and will publish CEOT-DRL 1.0 soon.

CEOT-DRL is composed of these main parts:

1- Scenarios:

A scenario file is used to define all parameters for the core and environment class. As well as the training options. It defines the problem we want to solve (the environment) and the agent we use to solve it. To execute a scenario, we feed it to a training manager which runs it and produces results. See examples bellow.

2- Core classes:

These are used to create replay memory, neural networks, agent algorithms, .... and so on. They are all abstract so that they can be reshaped according to the required scenario. Each agent has a neural net wrapper/architecture, which implements the neural net components separately. For example, the DDPGAgent class has a neural network wrapper neural_net_wrapper:DDPGDNN in the DNN.py file, which handles the neural network stuff independently from the DDPGAgent class

3 - Environment class:

This class is abstract as well, and can be reshaped to fit any environment. In addition, to user-defined environments classes from openAI gym can be used. See scenarios folder for example.

4 - Training Manager class:

This class takes care of the training task, where it handles the training of the agents.

5- run file:

This file main role is to read the scenario file and send it to the training manager to run it.

Using CEOT-DRL package to solve problems with different agents

The following examples show how to create and use CEOT-DRL. Each example has a scenario and uses the training manager TrainingManager to execute the scenario. For a scenario example see scenario.py. To create your own scenario, you need to:

  • subclass the abstract environment class AbstractEnvironment or use gym (see scenario_ac.py for example),
  • create neural networks architecture (see DDN.py file for different architectures in Pytorch), using any platform you like (torch, TF, Keras, and so on),
  • and then use (or create) an agent training algorithm (DQN, AC, ...).

Example 1: Using Dueling DQN to solve an empty slot problem.

In empty slot problem, the state is a vector of n elements (slots). Each element can be either 1 or 0. A slot is said to be empty if its value is 0 and occuped if it is 1. The agent will try to place 1s in the empty slots. If it places 1 in a slot that is already contains 1, then it recieves a negative rewarad, and positive rewarad otherwise. To learn more about this simple problem, see EnvEmptySlot.py.

    import sys
    from MLS.ceot_drl.scenarios import scenario as s
    from MLS.ceot_drl.core.TrainingManager import TrainingManager as TM
    import timeit
    def main():
        # define a training manager object
        tm = TM(s.num_episodes, 
        print('Scenario:%s' % s.title)
        start = timeit.default_timer()
        # let it do the magic
        end = timeit.default_timer()
        print('\n It took ~{} useconds'.format(str(round(end-start))))
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        # execute only if run as a script
Scenario: Solving empty slot problem using DQN


 It took ~477 useconds

It is also possible to use another flavors of DQN algorithm, like Double DQN or Dueling DQN.

Please note that since DQN, Double DQN, and Dueling DQN differ only in the neural network architectures, we use a singel class DQNAgent with the same Q-learning training algorithm and feed it with different DNN architectures and other hyperparamaters regarding the DQN flavor

Example 2: Using AC agent to solve the carte-pole problem.

    import sys
    from MLS.ceot_drl.scenarios import scenario_ac as s
    from MLS.ceot_drl.core.TrainingManager import TrainingManager as TM
    import timeit
    def main():
        # define a training manager object
        tm = TM(s.num_episodes, 
        print('Scenario:%s' % s.title)
        start = timeit.default_timer()
        # let it do the magic
        end = timeit.default_timer()
        print('\n It took ~{} useconds'.format(str(round(end-start))))
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        # execute only if run as a script
Scenario: CartePole-v1 using A2C n-step algorithm


 It took ~280 useconds

Example 3: Using DDPG agent to solve the Pendulum-v0 problem

    import sys
    from MLS.ceot_drl.scenarios import scenario_ddpg as s
    from MLS.ceot_drl.core.TrainingManager import TrainingManager as TM
    import timeit
    def main():
        # define a training manager object
        tm = TM(s.num_episodes, 
        print('Scenario:%s' % s.title)
        start = timeit.default_timer()
        # let it do the magic
        end = timeit.default_timer()
        print('\n It took ~{} useconds'.format(str(round(end-start))))

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        # execute only if run as a script
Scenario: Solving Pendulum-v0 problem using DDPG algorithm


 It took ~503 useconds