
Wasserstein BiGAN (Bidirectional GAN trained using Wasserstein distance)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Wasserstein BiGAN

PyTorch implementation of bidirectional generative adversarial network (BiGAN, a.k.a. ALI) trained using Wasserstein distance (see WGAN and WGAN-GP). The code has been tested in a conda environment with Python 3 and PyTorch >= 1.0.


This repository contains code for training BiGAN on SVHN, CIFAR-10 and Celeba datasets. Our implementation is different from the original BiGAN/ALI implementation in the following ways:

  • We normalize pixel values to [-1, 1].
  • Our training objective is Wasserstein distance, not Jenson-Shannon divergence. Our model hence has a critic network instead of a discriminator network.
  • The critic network does NOT use normalization layers (batch norm, instance norm, etc.). We found that training fails if we incorporate normalization into the critic network.
  • We apply gradient penalty to stablize training.

Quick Start

  • Update the loading and saving paths.
  • Check (and update) the hyperparameters.
  • Train on SVHN
python ./wali_svhn.py
  • Train on CIFAR-10
python ./wali_cifar10.py
  • Train on Celeba
python ./wali_celeba.py
  • Interpolate between two randomly generated images
python ./interpolate.py --ckpt=[model path] --n=[number of interpolations] --save-path=[saving path]


All models are trained using default hyperparameter settings for 20,000 iterations. Note that the network architectures and training procedures are not carefully optimized for best performance.

  • SVHN (32 x 32)
Generation Reconstruction
  • CIFAR-10 (32 x 32)
Generation Reconstruction
  • Celeba (aligned, 64 x 64)
Generation Reconstruction

We finally show the interpolation results for ten sets of randomly generated images.


Fangzhou Mu (fmu2@wisc.edu)

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