
Gatsby project with Strapi.io and Mongo.db connected via Docker

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Built With

  • Strapi - Open-source, NodeJS, Headless CMS
  • Gatsby - Frontend framework and JamStack delivery platform
  • Docker - A Container Engine

Clone the repo

Run the following command in your command-line within the directory of your choosing.

git clone git@github.com:RejaurRahman/light-shape-gym.git


git clone https://github.com/RejaurRahman/light-shape-gym.git

Build and Start

Firstly copy:

Copy .env.example and add .env in the root of the repository

Begin by opening the terminal window and navigate to the root of the repository.

  • If Node module packages have been added or removed or repo needs to be run first time
docker-compose build
  • If it's not the first time the repo is build and only files have been changed and full re-build is not required
docker-compose up
  • if packages have been added/removed and updates to core structure such as file/directory renaming
docker-compose up --build
  • If the containers need to be stopped/removed
docker-compose down

URL Links