
Sample Node.js app demonstrating writing APIs using TypeScript, Sequelize as ORM, and Passport.js for authentication.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Sample code demonstrating writing APIs using Node.js as a backend runtime, TypeScript for type checking, Sequelize as ORM, and Passport.js for authentication.

Up and running

Setting up and developing locally is pretty straightforward.


You must have the following software/tools installed on your system:

  • Docker version >= 24.0.4
  • Docker Compose version >= v2.2.3
  • A recent version of VS Code
  • VS Code extension for API browsing: REST Client

Build and run

Clone the code repository or open it in GitHub Codespaces and navigate to the project dir:

docker compose up --build
docker-compose up --build

It will build and spin up two Docker containers: the backend API and a PostgreSQL database instance. All the credentials are sourced via environment variables in docker-compose.yml. On app start-up, the "Users" table and a dummy "superuser" will be created automatically.

Browsing the API endpoints

Even though the API endpoints could be tested in any HTTP-supported client app/utility, the REST Client allows you to send HTTP requests and view the response in Visual Studio Code directly.

  • Open the prepared API docs located at: docs/api/index.http
  • Click the Send Request link above the request OR use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+R(Cmd+Alt+R for macOS). Read more about usage on REST Client extension's homepage.
  • /login endpoint is already configured to use the dummy user credentials. On successful response, it returns a JWT Access Token and set the variable @authToken (used to browse secured endpoints).
  • Endpoints performing CRUD operations require a JWT Bearer token for authentication. And already configured to make use of the request variable @authToken.
  • To browse a single resource, copy the id from the POST /users/ response and replace the path parameter <user.id> with it.

Note: This codebase is just for demonstration purposes. Any authenticated user is able to change the email/password of any other user in the database. That won't be the case in a real scenario.


Once done, stop the Docker containers:

docker compose down
docker-compose down

Screencast demo
