Doing Inference from Azure AutoML Model (Song Popularity Prediction)

Song Popularity Prediction competition data was used to train a classification model with Azure AutoML services.

The files from trained model and conda environment were downloaded to the folder az - song-popularity-prediction-experiment.

Creating conda environment from conda_env_v_1_0_0.yml

Using anaconda prompt:

.\2022-02_SongPopularityAzAutoML> conda env create -f .\AutoMachineLearningSongContestModel\conda_env_v_1_0_0.yml  
.\2022-02_SongPopularityAzAutoML> conda activate song-popularity-az-model

Then, when executing the following error was generated:

.\2022-02_SongPopularityAzAutoML> python

(...) Requirement.parse('cryptography!=1.9,!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.2.*,<4.0.0')  
(...) Requirement.parse('urllib3<=1.26.7,>=1.23')

The urlib3 library installed was 1.26.8 and cryptography 36.0.1.
The following libraries were installed:

.\2022-02_SongPopularityAzAutoML> pip install azureml-automl-runtime
.\2022-02_SongPopularityAzAutoML> pip install urllib3==1.26.7

.\2022-02_SongPopularityAzAutoML> pip install azureml-automl-runtime

Before continuing

In order to compare the model running locally, the same model was first deployed at Azure: Use automated machine learning in Azure Machine Learning

  "Inputs": {
    "data": [
        "song_duration_ms": 0,
        "acousticness": 0,
        "danceability": 0,
        "energy": 0,
        "instrumentalness": 0,
        "key": 0,
        "liveness": 0,
        "loudness": 0,
        "audio_mode": 0,
        "speechiness": 0,
        "tempo": 0,
        "time_signature": 0,
        "audio_valence": 0
  "GlobalParameters": {
    "method": "predict"
  1. Didn't know how to set null/empty values for testing at Azure ML portal to work.
  2. Tested endpoint running with 5 first test values, returning predictions: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0,]
  3. All tests I did returned song_prediction equals to 0 ...
  4. Example inferences from deployed API: rows30-50-result.csv & sample20-result.csv
  5. I send all the test dataset and returned al only fourty something ones from 10,0...
  6. Looked at the best submission to the competition and the biggest values was 0.4894715 for id 254. So maybe Azure Classification. See result.csv is going to return zeroes for all values? No, it has some ones there.

But in order to get decimals in results, I train a regression model:

Started to train anothe model using Regression

  • Loaded train.csv
  • 5 folds for k-fold cross validation
  • Median imputation for all numerical and key
  • By selecting regression, Azure didn't allow to use AUC as metric, Normalized root mean squared error was set.
  • The best algorithm (0.47759 error) was a StackEnsemble with the following details:
    • Data transformation:
      "class_name": "StandardScaler",
      "module": "sklearn.preprocessing",
      "param_args": [],
      "param_kwargs": {
          "with_mean": false,
          "with_std": true
      "prepared_kwargs": {},
      "spec_class": "preproc"
    • Training algorithm:
      "class_name": "LightGBMRegressor",
      "module": "automl.client.core.common.model_wrappers",
      "param_args": [],
      "param_kwargs": {
          "boosting_type": "gbdt",
          "colsample_bytree": 0.8,
          "learning_rate": 0.02106157894736842,
          "max_bin": 255,
          "max_depth": 7,
          "min_data_in_leaf": 0.008804237587752594,
          "min_split_gain": 0.5263157894736842,
          "n_estimators": 100,
          "num_leaves": 15,
          "reg_alpha": 0,
          "reg_lambda": 0,
          "subsample": 0.3,
          "subsample_freq": 7
      "prepared_kwargs": {},
      "spec_class": "sklearn"

The model artifacts were downloades to folder: az - song-popularity-autoML-regressor

The file seems to be designed for the deploying the model into Azure. When loading model.pkl, its type is <class 'sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline'>. It seems that you cannot download the model and deploy locally.

Deploying the new model and generating a submission

  1. At the portal, going to Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio > Automated ML and selecting song-popularity-autoML-regressor experiment.
  2. Then, at Best model summary, select the algorithm and press Deploy > Deploy to web service to deploy it.
  3. Then at the Endpoints section you can get the code to consume it.

The endpoint (deployed twice) is giving some timeout_exception.TimeoutException... boh. It works when using it in Test, but not remote Consume. Consume script was tested using local environment and Colab.

Then I tried to debug according to this reference Troubleshooting remote model deployment:

az extension add --name ml  
az ml service list --workspace-name machine-learning-ws  
az upgrade
az ml model list --resource-group machine-learning-rg --workspace-name machine-learning-ws
az ml dataset list --workspace-name machine-learning-ws --resource-group machine-learning-rg
az ml environment list -g machine-learning-rg -w machine-learning-ws
az ml experiment list -g machine-learning-rg -w machine-learning-ws

The following didn't worked, they are from (v1):

az ml service list --workspace-name machine-learning-ws --resource-group machine-learning-rg
az ml service get-logs --verbose --workspace-name machine-learning-ws --name song-pred-regress-deployment  

Haciendo los laboratorios de AI-102 documenté un poco el proceso de investiga un cargo diario de $0.17 relacionado a un container.
Pude ver que el registro está en el resource group machine-learning-rg:

Authorization: Bearer eyJ (...)  
"type": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries",
      "id": "/subscriptions/fbfcdd32-da9a-480c-b5c3-1b5d0c6d797c/resourceGroups/machine-learning-rg/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/cb7499c267e14df4a50945381850d79c",
      "name": "cb7499c267e14df4a50945381850d79c",
      "location": "centralus",

When you create a workspace, Azure creates several resources within the resource group:

  • The workspace itself
  • A storage account
  • A container registry
  • An Applications Insights instance
  • A key vault

2022-02-13 Another deployment before deleting the registry

  • Name: song-pred-regress-deployment (...)
  1. Using the first row and testing the endpoint in the portal returns the following prediction:
  "Results": [  
  1. Same 502 error for endpoint consumption
  • was created copying from azure consume, execution returned:
The request failed with status code: 502  
b"run() got an unexpected keyword argument 'GlobalParameters'"
az account set -s "Azure Basic 01"  
az ml workspace list --resource-group=machine-learning-rg  
conda> python -m pip install azureml-inference-server-http
conda> azmlinfsrv --entry_script

Tuve que adaptar el script, sobre todo por la variable de ambiente AZUREML_MODEL_DIR. Terminé quitando la línea log_server.update_custom_dimensions({'model_name': path_split[-3], 'model_version': path_split[-2]}). Y eso hizo que explotaran un montón de errores, por el ambiente local de python.

Traté de crear un ambiente con venv:

PS > python -m venv "D:\PYTHON_PROJECTS\2022-02_SongPopularityAzAutoML\az - song-popularity-autoML-regressor\AutoML2f9f8d542103"
PS > Scripts\activate.ps1  
(AutoML2f9f8d542103) PS > python -m pip install azureml-inference-server-http  
(AutoML2f9f8d542103) PS > pip install pandas  
(AutoML2f9f8d542103) PS > pip install joblib  

Definitivamente, por el momento abandoné los intentos de hacer el deploy local o remoto.
BORRÉ EL RESOURCE GROUP machine-learning-rg


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