Song Popularity Prediction competition data was used to train a classification model with Azure AutoML services.
The files from trained model and conda environment were downloaded to the folder az - song-popularity-prediction-experiment.
Using anaconda prompt:
.\2022-02_SongPopularityAzAutoML> conda env create -f .\AutoMachineLearningSongContestModel\conda_env_v_1_0_0.yml
.\2022-02_SongPopularityAzAutoML> conda activate song-popularity-az-model
Then, when executing
the following error was generated:
.\2022-02_SongPopularityAzAutoML> python
(...) Requirement.parse('cryptography!=1.9,!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.2.*,<4.0.0')
(...) Requirement.parse('urllib3<=1.26.7,>=1.23')
The urlib3 library installed was 1.26.8 and cryptography 36.0.1.
The following libraries were installed:
.\2022-02_SongPopularityAzAutoML> pip install azureml-automl-runtime
.\2022-02_SongPopularityAzAutoML> pip install urllib3==1.26.7
.\2022-02_SongPopularityAzAutoML> pip install azureml-automl-runtime
In order to compare the model running locally, the same model was first deployed at Azure: Use automated machine learning in Azure Machine Learning
"Inputs": {
"data": [
"song_duration_ms": 0,
"acousticness": 0,
"danceability": 0,
"energy": 0,
"instrumentalness": 0,
"key": 0,
"liveness": 0,
"loudness": 0,
"audio_mode": 0,
"speechiness": 0,
"tempo": 0,
"time_signature": 0,
"audio_valence": 0
"GlobalParameters": {
"method": "predict"
- Didn't know how to set null/empty values for testing at Azure ML portal to work.
- Tested endpoint running
with 5 first test values, returning predictions: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0,] - All tests I did returned
equals to 0 ... - Example inferences from deployed API:
- I send all the test dataset and returned al only fourty something ones from 10,0...
- Looked at the best submission to the competition and the biggest values was
for id254
. So maybe Azure Classification. Seeresult.csv
is going to return zeroes for all values? No, it has some ones there.
But in order to get decimals in results, I train a regression model:
- Loaded train.csv
- 5 folds for k-fold cross validation
- Median imputation for all numerical and
- By selecting regression, Azure didn't allow to use AUC as metric, Normalized root mean squared error was set.
- The best algorithm (0.47759 error) was a StackEnsemble with the following details:
- Data transformation:
{ "class_name": "StandardScaler", "module": "sklearn.preprocessing", "param_args": [], "param_kwargs": { "with_mean": false, "with_std": true }, "prepared_kwargs": {}, "spec_class": "preproc" }
- Training algorithm:
{ "class_name": "LightGBMRegressor", "module": "automl.client.core.common.model_wrappers", "param_args": [], "param_kwargs": { "boosting_type": "gbdt", "colsample_bytree": 0.8, "learning_rate": 0.02106157894736842, "max_bin": 255, "max_depth": 7, "min_data_in_leaf": 0.008804237587752594, "min_split_gain": 0.5263157894736842, "n_estimators": 100, "num_leaves": 15, "reg_alpha": 0, "reg_lambda": 0, "subsample": 0.3, "subsample_freq": 7 }, "prepared_kwargs": {}, "spec_class": "sklearn" }
The model artifacts were downloades to folder: az - song-popularity-autoML-regressor
The file
seems to be designed for the deploying the model into Azure. When loading model.pkl
, its type is <class 'sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline'>
. It seems that you cannot download the model and deploy locally.
- At the portal, going to Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio > Automated ML and selecting song-popularity-autoML-regressor experiment.
- Then, at Best model summary, select the algorithm and press Deploy > Deploy to web service to deploy it.
- Then at the Endpoints section you can get the code to consume it.
The endpoint (deployed twice) is giving some timeout_exception.TimeoutException
... boh. It works when using it in Test, but not remote Consume. Consume script was tested using local environment and Colab.
Then I tried to debug according to this reference Troubleshooting remote model deployment:
az extension add --name ml
az ml service list --workspace-name machine-learning-ws
az upgrade
az ml model list --resource-group machine-learning-rg --workspace-name machine-learning-ws
az ml dataset list --workspace-name machine-learning-ws --resource-group machine-learning-rg
az ml environment list -g machine-learning-rg -w machine-learning-ws
az ml experiment list -g machine-learning-rg -w machine-learning-ws
The following didn't worked, they are from (v1):
az ml service list --workspace-name machine-learning-ws --resource-group machine-learning-rg
az ml service get-logs --verbose --workspace-name machine-learning-ws --name song-pred-regress-deployment
Haciendo los laboratorios de AI-102 documenté un poco el proceso de investiga un cargo diario de $0.17 relacionado a un container.
Pude ver que el registro está en el resource group machine-learning-rg
Authorization: Bearer eyJ (...)
"type": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries",
"id": "/subscriptions/fbfcdd32-da9a-480c-b5c3-1b5d0c6d797c/resourceGroups/machine-learning-rg/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/cb7499c267e14df4a50945381850d79c",
"name": "cb7499c267e14df4a50945381850d79c",
"location": "centralus",
When you create a workspace, Azure creates several resources within the resource group:
- The workspace itself
- A storage account
- A container registry
- An Applications Insights instance
- A key vault
- Name:
- Using the first row and testing the endpoint in the portal returns the following prediction:
"Results": [
- Same 502 error for endpoint consumption
was created copying from azure consume, execution returned:
The request failed with status code: 502
b"run() got an unexpected keyword argument 'GlobalParameters'"
az account set -s "Azure Basic 01"
az ml workspace list --resource-group=machine-learning-rg
conda> python -m pip install azureml-inference-server-http
conda> azmlinfsrv --entry_script
Tuve que adaptar el script, sobre todo por la variable de ambiente AZUREML_MODEL_DIR
. Terminé quitando la línea log_server.update_custom_dimensions({'model_name': path_split[-3], 'model_version': path_split[-2]})
. Y eso hizo que explotaran un montón de errores, por el ambiente local de python.
Traté de crear un ambiente con venv
PS > python -m venv "D:\PYTHON_PROJECTS\2022-02_SongPopularityAzAutoML\az - song-popularity-autoML-regressor\AutoML2f9f8d542103"
PS > Scripts\activate.ps1
(AutoML2f9f8d542103) PS > python -m pip install azureml-inference-server-http
(AutoML2f9f8d542103) PS > pip install pandas
(AutoML2f9f8d542103) PS > pip install joblib
Definitivamente, por el momento abandoné los intentos de hacer el deploy local o remoto.
BORRÉ EL RESOURCE GROUP machine-learning-rg
- Deploy models trained with Azure Machine Learning on your local machines
- How to use a model trained by Azure AutoML
- Use automated machine learning in Azure Machine Learning
- Deploy a model locally
- Troubleshooting remote model deployment
- Troubleshooting with a local model deployment
- Install and set up the CLI
- az ml
- Registries - List
- Export or delete your Machine Learning service workspace data
Power BI integration: