
Python scripts for manipulating Cyberpunk 2077 save files

Primary LanguagePythonBSD Zero Clause License0BSD

Cyberpunk Python Hacks

This repository contains python scripts to manipulate Cyberpunk 2077 save files. To use these scripts you need to install Python first. By default old save files are backed up at the same directory with name backup_1.dat, backup_2.dat, ... .

To fix Datamine Virtuoso bug you need to simply run (or double click) datamine-virtuoso-fixer.pyw file. After loading the save file, it shows failedShardDrops field value:

Datamine Virtuoso Fixer

Now you can fix the save file by clicking the Fix File button.

Python Interactive Usage

You can also use these modules directly from command-line to have a full-featured save file editor in your hand.

For example to fix the bug mentioned before, you can do it this way:

>>> from cp2077save import SaveFile
>>> savefile = SaveFile(r"C:\Users\...\QuickSave-3")
>>> with savefile.nodes.ScriptableSystemsContainer as config:
...     dir(config)
['BraindanceSystem', 'CityLightSystem', 'CraftBook',
'CraftingSystem', 'DataTrackingSystem', 'DistrictManager',
'DropPointMappinRegistrationData', 'DropPointPackage',
'DropPointSystem', 'EquipmentSystem', 'EquipmentSystemPlayerData',
'FastTravelSystem', 'FirstEquipSystem', 'FocusCluesSystem',
'GameplaySettingsListener', 'GameplaySettingsSystem', 'Hotkey',
'MarketSystem', 'PlayerDevelopmentData', 'PlayerDevelopmentSystem',
'PreventionSystem', 'SecSystemDebugger', 'SubCharacterSystem',
'TimetableCallbackData', 'UIScriptableSystem', 'Vendor',
>>> with savefile.nodes.ScriptableSystemsContainer as config:
...     dir(config.DataTrackingSystem)
['achievementsMask', 'bluelinesUseCount', 'defeatedEnemies',
'downedEnemies', 'downedInTimeDilatation', 'downedWithMelee',
'downedWithRanged', 'failedShardDrops', 'finishedEnemies',
'incapacitatedEnemies', 'killedEnemies', 'meleeAttacksMade',
'npcMeleeBlockedAttacks', 'npcMeleeDeflectedAttacks',
'npcMeleeLightAttackReceived', 'npcMeleeStrongAttackReceived',
'quickhacksMade', 'rangedAttacksMade', 'rangedProgress']
>>> with savefile.nodes.ScriptableSystemsContainer as config:
...     config.DataTrackingSystem.failedShardDrops
>>> with savefile.nodes.ScriptableSystemsContainer as config:
...     config.DataTrackingSystem.failedShardDrops = 0
>>> savefile.save()