
Simple Challenge for Java / Spring / Cloud

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Challenge with Java BE

This is a simple project with a challenge for Backend developrs.

In this project you will learn:

  • Consuming API (Feign)
  • Creating API REST (Spring Web)
  • Create a database (Spring Data)
  • Create a CircuitBreak (Resilience4J)
  • Different Roles (Spring Security)
  • Cache with Hazelcast
  • Swagger
  • Sonar
  • CI/CD
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Deploy in Cloud




  • Create the project
  • Create the database using H2
  • Create the user entity, and Roles
  • Include JWT authentication
  • Create the login/registration/upgrade-permissions endpoints

Expected time: 16 | 8 | 4 hours

Create your project

  • Create the database using H2. You should include the user table, the user can have multiple roles.
  • Create an endpoint to create a user. (The user should have a username and a password, be careful when saving the user password, and the roles)
  • Create an endpoint to update the permission to this user to ADMIN and/or USER role. This API could be called just by the ADMIN user, see @Secured and Roles in Spring Security.

Create the authentication for your API

  • Create the authentication using JWT
  • Create two roles ADMIN, USER
  • Create an endpoint to return the JWT (5 minutes of timeout), receive the username and password


Expected time: 16 | 9 | 5 hours

Upgrade your API REST

  • Create an endpoint to consume an API from IMDB (https://imdb-api.com/) and populate your database (you can use WebClient or Feign to consume the API). This API could be called just by the ADMIN user, see @Secured and Roles in Spring Security.
  • Create an endpoint to list all the movies.
  • Create an endpoint to include a movie to the user (favorite list)
  • Create an endpoint to exclude the movie from the favorite list
  • Each time the user includes the movie in the favorite list add one "star" to the movie
  • Create an endpoint to list the top 10 movies, the movies with more stars.
  • Create an endpoint to list the favorite movies per user.
  • Don't forget to include Swagger/OpenAPI, and the test.

Content to help:


Expected time: 18 | 11 | 7 hours

Include Hazelcast, design pattern, Resilience4J

  • Include this rank top movies in the cache (Hazelcast), and get from it using RateLimiter (https://resilience4j.readme.io/docs/ratelimiter) as fallback.
  • Find other API to get Movies, and update the first endpoint to use template method design pattern to be able to get the movies from bove APIs. Use a CircuitBreak for that. If you have any problem with one API you should get from the other API as a fallback. (You can try that changing the API Key)
  • Create a new endpoint to send a random movie to the user. This endpoint should do this: find another user who likes the same movies as the current user and upload a random movie from that favorites list. If this condition does not exist, just send a random movie.

Content to help:


Docker, Kubernetes, Deploy in the cloud

  • Run your application using Docker, create a docker file.
  • Include Spring Actuator.
  • Create the files to deploy the application using kubernetes (2 replicas).
  • Include the probes from actuator in your deployment.yml
  • Update your probes in case of hazelcast go down the application should restart
  • Do the deployment into sandbox Openshift (https://developers.redhat.com/developer-sandbox)

Content to help:


Pipeline, CI/CD, Sonar

  • Include SonarCloud in your project, make sure the coverage is above 70% and you don't have a loud code smell.
  • Include a pipeline, you can use gitHub Actions, or Travis CI, use what you prefer.
  • Your CI pipeline should include [build, test, sonar]
  • Include also CD in your pipeline, it should be able to deploy in your PaaS (Heroku) or in your Openshift.

Content to help: