
Minimal template engine with compiled output for JavaScript.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Minimal template engine with compiled output for JavaScript.


This package is available as a NPM package. To install it, use the following command:

npm install @fnando/seagull --save

If you're using Yarn (and you should):

yarn add @fnando/seagull


Syntax Highlighting

Precompiling templates

To compile templates into JavaScript, use the CLI:

# You can use either a file path (e.g. src/templates/hello.sea) or a glob
# pattern (e.g. src/**/*.sea) as the input source.
$ seagull compile --input hello.sea --output hello.js

# To export individual files, use a directory path without the `.js` extension.
$ seagull compile --input 'src/**/*.sea' --output 'src/helpers'

Compiling templates in runtime

import { compile } from "@fnando/seagull";

const render = compile("Hello there, {name}.");

render({ name: "John" });
//=> Hello there, John.



Hello there, {name}.
Hello there, {person.name}.


{if isReady}

{unless isReady}

{when status="ready"}Ready!{/when}
{when status='ready'}Ready!{/when}
{when status=readyStatus}Ready!{/when}
{when status=statuses.ready}Ready!{/when}


Iterating arrays:

{each person in people}
  Hi there, {person.name}.

{each person, index in people}
  {index}: {person.name}

Iterating dictionaries (objects with key value):

{each id => person in peopleMap}
  Hello, {person.name}. Your id is {id}.

{each id => person, index in peopleMap}
  {index}: {person.name} ({id})


Helpers that receive one single positional argument must be called by pipeling the parameter into the helper.

You're name in reverse is {name | upcase | reverse}.

Helpers need to be registered as part of the context when calling the rendering function. Seagull doesn't bundle any helpers.

  name: "John",
  upcase: (input) => input.toUpperCase(),
  reverse: (input) =>
      .reduce((memo, char) => [char].concat(memo), [])

The if and unless blocks also accept helper piping.

{if emails | isEmpty}
  You have no mail!
  emails: [],
  isEmpty: (input) =>
    input &&
    typeof input !== "boolean" &&
    "length" in input &&
    input.length === 0,

Finally, you can also pipe strings to helpers.

{"seagull_is_nice" | i18n}
{'seagull_is_nice' | i18n}

If you're function requires multiple parameters, then you can use the named parameter call.

{i18n path="messages.hello" name=user.name}

This will translate to a call like i18n({path: "message.hello", name: user.name}).

HTML Escaping

All interpolations are escaped by default. If you need to decode the output for tests, you can import the decode function.

import { compile, decode } from "@fnando/seagull";

test("renders template", () => {
  const template = compile(`{message}`);
  const output = template({ message: "<script>alert(1);</script>" });


Using TypeScript

Seagull doesn't have direct TypeScript support, but that doesn't mean you can't use typed template functions.

The way I like to do it is by creating a file called templates.d.ts somewhere (e.g. if I export the templates to src/helpers/templates.js, then I use src/helpers/templates.d.ts). This file will hold all function types.

Let's say I have a template function that works like hello({name: "John"}); in this case, my module declaration would look like this:

declare module "src/helpers/templates" {
  export function hello(params: { firstName: string }): string;
  export function goodbye(params: { lastName: string }): string;

If you're using helpers, tem you can also type an intermediary template function.

import * as templates from "src/helpers/templates";

// Add your helpers here
// You don't have to inline them (e.g. use `const helpers = {helper}` instead).
const helpers = {};

export function template<
  T extends keyof typeof templates,
  P = Parameters<typeof templates[T]>[0],
>(name: T, params: P): string {
  // @ts-expect-error injecting helpers
  return templates[name]({ ...params, ...helpers });

To call the templates using this function:

import { template } from "src/helpers/template;

console.log(template("hello", {firstName: "John"}));
console.log(template("goodbye", {lastName: "Doe"}));




For more details about how to contribute, please read https://github.com/fnando/seagull/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License. A copy of the license can be found at https://github.com/fnando/seagull/blob/main/LICENSE.md.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the seagull project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.