
A jQuery plugin for responsive navigation menus

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A jQuery plugin for responsive navigation menus


Plugin Demo: http://dev.85pixels.com/wordpress/menutron-demo/

What it does

Menutron transforms your navigation menus from a list to a select menu when resizing your browser. On mobile devices, the select menu pulls up a native control, making it easier to pick an item.

  • It’s concise – When implemented in a responsive design, your menu becomes consolidated in to a single control, saving you horizontal and/or vertical real-estate.
  • It’s convenient – On mobile devices, the select controls will activate a native control, like the picker control for iOS, which can be navigated using drag, nudge, or flick gestures.
  • It’s intuitive – It works on any type of list (ol,ul,dl) and automatically adds a menu title of “Choose…” for easy recognition

How it works

Let’s say your navigation menu markup looks like this:

<nav id="main">
    <li><a href='google.com'>Google</a></li>
    <li><a href='facebook.com'>Facebook</a></li>
    <li><a href='twitter.com'>Twitter</a></li>
    <li><a href='pinterest.com'>Pinterest</a></li>
    <li><a href='flickr.com'>Flickr</a></li>

Simply call the Menutron function, using the list menu container (ie. <nav id="main">) as a selector…


…and your list transforms in to a select control when the screensize is below the specified screen width!

<nav id="main">
    <option selected="selected" value="">Choose...</option>
    <option value='google.com'>Google</option>
    <option value='facebook.com'>Facebook</option>
    <option value='twitter.com'>Twitter</option>
    <option value='pinterest.com'>Pinterest</option>
    <option value='flickr.com'>Flickr</option>

By default, the plugin has a media query set to max-width: 600px. If you want to set your own media query, the plugin has an option for that. Just pass in your desired size to maxScreenWidth like below:

      maxScreenWidth: 480

Now when a browser width is below 480px, the list will transform in to a select menu.

If you want your own custom menu title for the select menu on mobile, just pass in the desired title to the menuTitle option as below:

      maxScreenWidth: 480,
      menuTitle: 'Main Menu:'

What you’ll need (dependencies)

  • A responsive design ;)
  • Latest jQuery (It may work on previous versions, but it’s only been tested on the latest)
  • For devices with retina displays, a <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0" /> in the head will make the device screen resolution equal to the device screen size (1:1). Although not needed, I also disable zooming when controls are selected. Below is my meta tag:
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, width=device-width, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />


  • As of 04.27.2012, Menutron can support nested lists up to 2 levels (ie. ul > li > ul > li).
  • In the next update, I plan to support definition list titles (<dt>) as the select menu’s default title when there is one available. As of 04.27.2012, there is an option for to specify your own custom select menu title.
  • If you have any suggestions, comments, or creative insults for my code, add an issue or fork the repo.