=== Plugin Name === Contributors: Matt Reimer Tags: foundation, responsive Requires at least: 3.2.1 Tested up to: 3.3 Stable tag: 4.3 == How to Use this theme: == We recommend that you don't change the code in this theme unless you really have to hack it. If you DO change the code in this theme make sure to back it up since when we provide updates they might overwrite what you've done "So how to I use this theme?", you might ask. It's all about child themes. "Why child themes?" -Child themes allow you to take most of what we've already and build on it. A child theme contains only the changes you make to the parent so it's much easier to keep straight. -With child themes you let the theme developers and the Zurb Foundation folks handle all the heavy lifting and focus on what's important to you: your site. We've included a child theme for you in the STARTER_CHILD FOLDER. To get started, copy this folder to your wp-content/themes folder and rename it. That's it! Then just open up the child's style.css and give it a name. It should then be available to use inside WordPress. Cool huh? Having a blank child theme with just style.css will give you a lot of control over how the site looks and feels but if you need more customization than what CSS can give you you'll need to start getting into templates. To use templates just copy one (like 'page.php', for example) from cogito_wp to your child directory and Voila! You can now modify it. RESOURCES: More about child themes: http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes Template hierarchy: http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Hierarchy The most useful WordPress graphic ever created: http://codex.wordpress.org/images/1/18/Template_Hierarchy.png