
Export i3dm's from PostGIS table

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Console tool for exporting Instanced 3D Models (i3dm's), i3dm composites (cmpt) and tileset.json from PostGIS table.

The input table contains instance information like location (epsg:4326), binary glTF model (glb), scale, rotation and instance attributes.

This tool is intended to be used in combination with 3D Tiles support in MapBox GL JS (using https://github.com/Geodan/mapbox-3dtiles). Loading the tileset in Cesium is not supported.

For instanced 3D Model (i3dm) specs see https://github.com/CesiumGS/3d-tiles/tree/master/specification/TileFormats/Instanced3DModel

For composite tile (cmpt) specs see https://github.com/CesiumGS/3d-tiles/blob/master/specification/TileFormats/Composite/README.md

NuGet Status


Prerequisite: .NET 5.0 SDK is installed https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/5.0

$ dotnet tool install -g i3dm.export

Or update

$ dotnet tool update -g i3dm.export

Live demo 3D instanced tiles

30k trees in instanced tiles (1000m by 1000m) with random scales/rotations and batch information:


Input database table

Input database table contains following columns:

. geom - geometry with Point or PointZ (epsg:4326) for i3dm positions;

. scale - double with instance scale (all directions);

. rotation - double with horizontal rotation angle (0 - 360 degrees);

. tags - json with instance attribute information;

. model - string with name of binary glTF model per instance. Should be valid path on tool runtime or valid uri on display in client;

. (optional) scale_non_uniform - double precision[3] - for scale per instance in 3 directions.

See testdata/create_testdata.sql for script creating sample table.


Tool parameters:

-c: (required) connection string to PostGIS database

-t: (required) table with instance positions

-g: (optional - Default: 500,0) Geometric errors

-e: (optional - Default: 1000) Extent per tile (meters)

-s: (optional - Default: 10000) Super extent tile (meters)

-o: (optional - Default: ./tiles) Output directory, will be created if not exists

-r: (optional - Default: false) Use RTC_CENTER for high precision relative positions

-q: (optional - Default: "") Query to add to the where clauses (for example: -q "id<5460019"). Be sure to check indexes when using this option.

--use_external_model: (optional - default false) Use external model instead of embedded model

--use_scale_non_uniform: (optional - default false) Use column scale_non_uniform for scaling instances

Sample running

$ i3dm.export -c "Host=localhost;Username=postgres;Password=postgres;Database=test;Port=5432" -t public.trees

Getting started

For getting started with i3dm.export tool see getting started.


By default, the instance model will be stored in the i3dm payload. In the i3dm header the value 'gltfFormat' is set to 1. In this case, the model should be a valid file path to the binary glTF. Only the i3m files should be copied to a production server.

When parameter 'use_external_model' is set to true, only the model name will be stored in the i3dm payload. In the i3dm header the value 'gltfFormat' is set to 0. In this case, the model should be a valid absolute or relative url to the binary glTF. The client is responsible for retrieving the binary glTF's. Both the i3dm's and binary glTF's should be copied to a production server.

External tilesets

When the spatial extent of the input table is larger then the super extent (option -s), multiple tileset files will be generated. Those tilesets are referenced in the super tileset.json file, using the external tilesets technique (https://docs.opengeospatial.org/cs/18-053r2/18-053r2.html#45). When the spatial extent of the input table is smaller then the super extent (option -s), only 1 tileset.json file will be generated.


When there are multiple models in the tile instances, a composite tile (cmpt) will be generated. Specs see https://docs.opengeospatial.org/cs/18-053r2/18-053r2.html#249 . The composite tile contains a collection of instanced 3d tiles (i3dm), for each model there is 1 i3dm. When there is only 1 model used in the instances, an i3dm tile will be generated.

Instance batch info

To add batch info to instanced tiles fill the 'tags' type json column in the input table.

For example:

[{"customer" : "John Doe"}, {"id" : 5454577}]

In the MapBox GL JS client this attribute information can be displayed when selecting the instance.


. all instance records per tile should have the same properties (in the above case 'customer' and 'id'). The list of properties is determined from the first instance in the tile;

. only key - value is supported, not more complex structures.

Sample to update the json column in PostgreSQL:

postgres=# update  i3dm.my_table set tags = json_build_array(json_build_object('customer','John Doe'), json_build_object('id',id));

The batch table information in the i3dm tile is stored as follows (for 2 instances):

{"customer":["John Doe","John Doe2"], "id": [5454577, 5454579]}

Scale non uniform

When the instance model should be scaled in three directions (x, y, z) use the --use_scale_non_uniform option (default false)

When using this option, the column 'scale_non_uniform' will be used for scaling instances.

Column 'scale_non_uniform' must be of type 'double precision[3]'.

Sample queries to create/fill this column:

Create column:

postgres=# ALTER TABLE traffic_signs_instances
postgres=# ADD COLUMN scale_non_uniform double precision[3]

Fill column:

postgres=# update traffic_signs_instances set scale_non_uniform = '{10.0, 20.0, 30.0}'


Run from source code:

$ git clone https://github.com/Geodan/i3dm.export.git
$ cd i3dm.export/src
$ dotnet run -- -c "Host=myserver;Username=postgres;Password=postgres;Database=test;Port=5432" -t public.trees -m tree.glb

To develop in Visual Studio Code, open .vscode/launch.json and adjust the 'args' parameter to your environment

"args": ["-c" ,"Host=myserver;Username=postgres;Database=test;Port=5432", "-t", "my_table", "-m", "tree.glb"],

Press F5 to start debugging.

To visualize in MapBox GL JS, add a reference to MapBox3DTiles.js:

<script src="Mapbox3DTiles.js"></script>

and load the tileset:

 map.on('style.load', function() {
     let tileslayerTree = new Mapbox3DTiles.Mapbox3DTilesLayer( { 
       id: 'tree', 
       url: 'tileset.json'
      } );
      map.addLayer(tileslayerTree, 'waterway-label');


Queries used in this tool:

1] Query bounding box of table

postgres=# SELECT st_xmin(box), ST_Ymin(box), ST_Zmin(box), ST_Xmax(box), ST_Ymax(box), ST_Zmax(box) FROM (select ST_3DExtent(st_transform({geometry_column}, 3857)) AS box from {geometry_table} {q}) as total

2] Query instances per tile

postgres=# SELECT ST_ASBinary(ST_Transform(geom, 3857)) as position, scale, rotation, model, tags FROM {geometry_table} WHERE {q} ST_Intersects(geom, ST_Transform(ST_MakeEnvelope({from.X}, {from.Y}, {to.X}, {to.Y}, 3857), 4326))


  • {q} option is the optional query parameter.
  • {geometry_column} column with geometry (default: geom)
  • {geometry_table} input geometry table
  • {from.X}, {from.Y}, {to.X}, {to.Y} envelope of a tile


2020-11-12: release 1.8 add external tileset support

2020-11-12: release 1.72. to .NET 5.0

2020-11-05: release 1.7.1 with bug fix wrong instances per i3dm when multiple models used.

2020-11-05: release 1.7 add support for composite tiles (cmpt). Breaking change: parameter -m --model is removed. Model can now be defined per instance in the input table.

2020-10-28: release 1.6 add scale_non_uniform support

2020-10-21: release 1.5 add query, use_external_model parameters

2020-10-20: release 1.4 add batch info support

2020-10-20: release 1.3 adding instance rotation + rtc_Center support

2020-10-19: release 1.2 with instance scale support

2020-10-19: add support for uri references to external glTF's.

2020-10-15: Initial coding