
Tool that checks for path traversal traces in a given web application url, plus it is capable of multi-threading, set timeout and 5-layers verification.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Tool that checks for path traversal traces in a given web application url using GET and POST methods, plus it is capable of multi-threading, set timeout and 5-layers verification.

What are the 5-layers?

1. Check HTTP response code
If response code is different of 200, it will be dscarted

2. Verify response content
At the start, the program obtain a "default" error response from the website. At this step, it will compare the default error page to the actual payload response

3. Verify if payload was returned
If the payload itself was returned in source, then probably there's an error message, like: "Could not retrieve ../../../etc/passwd"

4. Verify specific strings
If strings like: "Not Found, "Not be found" and others are found, then it is discarted

5. Verify page size
Similar to verification 2, but this time it uses the response size as criteria

On POST method, it only uses 2 Layers:

1. Verify response content
At the start, the program obtain a "default" error response from the website. At this step, it will compare the default error page to the actual payload response

2. Verify specific strings
If strings like: "Not Found, "Not be found" and others are found, then it is discarted

If the request go through all this testing layers, then it will be labed as "Potential". All resquests that return 200 will be added to a second list, so the user can verify it by himself is wish




sudo apt-get install git python3 python3-pip
sudo pip3 install colorama
sudo pacman -S git python python-pip
sudo pip install colorama


Download and install Python 3.x and Colorama


python dot2moon.py --help

usage: dot2moon.py [-h] -u U -w W [-v] [-t T] [-p P] [-o O] [-c C]
                   [--user-agent USERAGENT] [--ignore IGNORE]
                   [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--random-agent] [--timeset TIMESET]

Path Traversal tester and validator

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                                  show this help message and exit
  -u U                                           Target site
  -w W                                         Wordlist used to test
  -v                                               Verbose, details every step
  -t T                                             Number of threads that will be executed (default = 4)
  -p P                                            POST explotation. Inform parameter
  -o O                                           Save results to file
  -c C                                            Define how many characters of HTML will be shown
  --user-agent USERAGENT     Change requests User-Agent
  --ignore IGNORE                     Look for specific string in HTML. If found, discart page
  --timeout TIMEOUT                 Set timeout
  --random-agent                     Set random user agent
  --timeset TIMESET                  Set time between requests


  • Basic Usage
    python dot2moon.py -u website.com/catalog.php?src= -w wordlists/wl.txt

  • Changing number of threads, enabling verbose and outputing to file
    python dot2moon.py -u website.com/catalog.php?src= -w wordlists/wl.txt -t 7 -v -o output.txt

  • Avoid being blocked by changing User Agent and setting a wait time between requests
    python dot2moon.py -u website.com/catalog.php?src= -w wordlists/wl.txt --random-agent --timeset 5
    Note: This option does not support multi-threading

  • If target website is lagging, try to increase timeout
    python dot2moon.py -u website.com/catalog.php?src= -w wordlists/wl.txt --timeout 15

  • If the website returns some string that indicates that the url is not vulnerable, you can add it as filter
    python dot2moon.py -u website.com/catalog.php?src= -w wordlists/wl.txt --ignore Warning

  • Specify User Agent
    python dot2moon.py -u website.com/catalog.php?src= -w wordlists/wl.txt --user-agent 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.119 Safari/537.36'

  • POST Injection Method
    python dot2moon.py -u website.com/catalog/?page=text-file-viewer.php -p 'textfile=PAYLOAD&text-file-viewer-php-submit-button=ViewFile' -w wordlists/wl.txt
    Note: Injection point must be replaced with "PAYLOAD" in order to identify where the payloads shaw be injected












check License for more details.