
🚀 @vue/cli plugin for Vue Apollo

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm npm vue-cli3 apollo-2

🚀 Start building a Vue app with Apollo and GraphQL in 2 minutes!

This is a vue-cli 3.x plugin to add Apollo and GraphQL in your Vue project.

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⭐ Features

  • Automatically integrate vue-apollo into your Vue app
  • Embed Apollo client config (upgradable and customizable)
  • Included optional Graphql Server (upgradable and customizable):
    • Dead simple GraphQL API sources generated into your project (with import/export support)
    • Upgradable service running apollo-server
    • Websocket subscriptions support
    • Optional automatic mocking
    • Apollo Engine support
    • GraphQL playground integrated in the CLI UI
    • Configuration screen in the CLI UI
    • Server-Side Rendering with @akryum/vue-cli-plugin-ssr
  • Included optional example component with:
    • Watched query
    • Mutation
    • Realtime subscription using Websockets
    • Fully working image gallery with image upload
  • GraphQL validation using ESLint

Table of contents

Getting started

⚠️ Make sure you have vue-cli 3.x.x:

vue --version

If you don't have a project created with vue-cli 3.x yet:

vue create my-new-app

Navigate to the newly created project folder and add the cli plugin:

cd my-new-app
vue add apollo

ℹ️ An example ApolloExample.vue component alongside some GraphQL query files will be added into your sources if you chose to include the examples.

Start your app:

npm run serve

Recommended VS Code extension

Updating vue-cli-plugin-apollo will also update both Apollo Client and its configuration for you! 👍

Read the vue-apollo doc.

GraphQL API Server

If you enabled the GraphQL API Server, start it (by default it also runs serve):

npm run apollo

You can edit the files generated in the ./apollo-server folder:

  • schema.graphql contains the Schema written with the schema definition language.
  • resolvers.js declares the Apollo resolvers.
  • context.js allows injecting a context object into all the resolvers (third argument).
  • mocks.js defines the custom resolvers used for mocking (more info).
  • directives.js defines the custom schema directives (more info)).

The server will be automatically restarted when a change is detected.

To run the server only once, use this command:

npm run run-graphql-api

Updating vue-cli-plugin-apollo will also update the GraphQL Server service 👍

Injected Commands

  • vue-cli-service apollo:watch

    Run the GraphQL API server with info from ./apollo-server and watch the files to restart itself automatically.

  • vue-cli-service apollo:run

    Run the GraphQL API server with info from ./apollo-server once.


Plugin options

The GraphQL API Server can be configured via the pluginOptions in vue.config.js:

module.exports = {
  // Other options...
  pluginOptions: {
    // Apollo-related options
    apollo: {
      // Enable automatic mocking
      enableMocks: true,
      // Enable Apollo Engine
      enableEngine: true,

      /* Other options (with default values) */

      // Base folder for the server source files
      serverFolder: './apollo-server',
      // Cross-Origin options
      cors: '*',
      // Requests timeout (ms)
      timeout: 120000,
      // Integrated apollo engine
      integratedEngine: true,
      // For enable typescript server files
      // if you don't have @vue/cli-plugin-typescript
      typescript: true,
      // Apollo server options (will be merged with the included default options)
      serverOptions: {
        // ...

See Apollo Server options.

createApolloClient options

  // URL to the HTTP API
  // Url to the Websocket API
  wsEndpoint = null,
  // Token used in localstorage
  tokenName = 'apollo-token',
  // Enable this if you use Query persisting with Apollo Engine
  persisting = false,
  // Is currently Server-Side Rendering or not
  ssr = false,
  // Only use Websocket for all requests (including queries and mutations)
  websocketsOnly = false,
  // Custom starting link.
  // If you want to replace the default HttpLink, set `defaultHttpLink` to false
  link = null,
  // If true, add the default HttpLink.
  // Disable it if you want to replace it with a terminating link using `link` option.
  defaultHttpLink = true,
  // Options for the default HttpLink
  httpLinkOptions = {},
  // Custom Apollo cache implementation (default is apollo-cache-inmemory)
  cache = null,
  // Options for the default cache
  inMemoryCacheOptions = null,
  // Additional Apollo client options
  apollo = {},
  // apollo-link-state options
  clientState = null,
  // Function returning Authorization header token
  getAuth = defaultGetAuth,

Client state

You can use apollo-link-state for client-only local data with the clientState option of createApolloClient:

import { createApolloClient } from 'vue-cli-plugin-apollo/graphql-client'

const options = {
  // ...

  clientState: {
    defaults: {
      connected: false,
    resolvers: {
      Mutation: {
        connectedSet: (root, { value }, { cache }) => {
          const data = {
            connected: value,
          cache.writeData({ data })

const { apolloClient } = createApolloClient(options)

Then you need to use the @client directive:

query isConnected {
  connected @client
mutation setConnected ($value: Boolean!) {
  connectedSet (value: $value) @client

Authorization Header

By default, createApolloClient will retrieve the Authorization header value from localStorage. You can override this behavior with the getAuth option:

const options = {
  // ...

  getAuth: (tokenName) => getUserToken(),

const { apolloClient } = createApolloClient(options)

If you use cookies, you can return undefined.

Example apolloserver/context.js that validates the token and set userId on resolvers context:

import users from './connectors/users'

// Context passed to all resolvers (third argument)
// req => Query
// connection => Subscription
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
export default ({ req, connection }) => {
  // If the websocket context was already resolved
  if (connection && connection.context) return connection.context

  let token
  // HTTP
  if (req) token = req.get('Authorization')
  // Websocket
  if (connection) token = connection.authorization

  // User validation
  let userId
  if (token && users.validateToken(token)) {
    userId = token.userId

  return {


You can enable automatic mocking on the GraphQL API Server. It can be customized in the ./apollo-server/mocks.js file generated in your project.


You can add custom GraphQL directives in the ./apollo-server/directives.js file (documentation).

import { SchemaDirectiveVisitor } from 'graphql-tools'

class PrivateDirective extends SchemaDirectiveVisitor {
  // ...

export default {
  // Now you can use '@private' in the schema
  private: PrivateDirective

Apollo Engine

Apollo Engine is a commercial product from Apollo. It enables lots of additional features like monitoring, error reporting, caching and query persisting.

Create a key at https://engine.apollographql.com (it's free!).

Express middlewares

If you need to add express middlewares into the GraphQL server, you can create a ./apollo-server/server.js file:

import path from 'path'
import express from 'express'

const distPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../dist')

export default app => {

Env variables


    The url to the graphql HTTP endpoint, default: http://localhost:4000


    The url to the graphql Websockets endpoint for subscriptions, default: ws://localhost:4000

With the GraphQL server enabled


    Port of the GraphQL API Server, default: 4000


    API key for Apollo Engine

Injected webpack-chain Rules

  • config.rule('gql')

Running the GraphQL server in production

Production app

cross-env NODE_ENV=production yarn run apollo:run --mode production

If you deploy on now.sh, add the following script to your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "start": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production yarn run apollo:run --mode production" 

Library published on npm

If your project is meant to be used as a package installed from npm, you will need to move vue-cli-plugin-apollo from the devDependencies field to dependencies in your package.json file. Then you can run the server:

const server = require('vue-cli-plugin-apollo/graphql-server')

const opts = {
  host: 'localhost',
  port: 4000,
  graphqlPath: '/graphql',
  subscriptionsPath: '/graphql',
  enableMocks: false,
  enableEngine: false,
  cors: '*',
  timeout: 1000000,
  quiet: true,
  paths: {
    typeDefs: require.resolve('some-folder/apollo-server/type-defs.js'),
    resolvers: require.resolve('some-folder/apollo-server/resolvers.js'),
    context: require.resolve('some-folder/apollo-server/context.js'),
    pubsub: require.resolve('some-folder/apollo-server/pubsub.js'),
    server: require.resolve('some-folder/apollo-server/server.js'),
    directives: require.resolve('some-folder/apollo-server/directives.js')
    dataSources: require.resolve('some-folder/apollo-server/data-sources.js')

server(opts, () => {
  console.log('Server is running!')

Manual code changes

In case the plugin isn't able to modify the file containing the root Vue instance:

Import the provider:

import { createProvider } from './vue-apollo'

Then in the root instance, set the apolloProvider option:

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  // Add this line
  apolloProvider: createProvider(),