
A reference implementation of the APIs defined in the schemas repository.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

GA4GH Reference Implementation

A reference implementation of the APIs defined in the schemas repository.

Initial skeleton overview

This is a proposed skeleton layout for the GA4GH reference client and server applications. As such, nothing is finalised and all aspects of the design and implementation are open for discussion and debate. The overall goals of the project are:

The main goal of this implementation is to provide an easy to understand and maintain implementation of the GA4GH API. Design choices are driven by the goal of making the code as easy to understand as possible, with performance being of secondary importance. With that being said, it should be possible to provide a functional implementation that is useful in many cases where the extremes of scale are not important.
The code is written in Python for maximum portability, and it should be possible to run on any modern computer/operating system (Windows compatibility should be possible, although this has not been tested). We use a subset of Python 3 which is backwards compatible with Python 2 following the current best practices. In this way, we fully support both Python 2 and 3.
Ease of use
The code follows the Python Packaging User Guide. This will make installing the ga4gh reference code very easy across a range of operating systems.

Currently, the project includes a minimal working version of the variants/search method using simulated and VCF data, and simple client and server applications to exercise this API.

Serving variants from a VCF file

An implementation of the variants API is available that can serve data based on existing VCF files. This backend is based on wormtable, which is a Python library to handle large scale tabular data. See Wormtable backend for instructions on serving VCF data from the GA4GH API.

Simulating Variants

To provide a working outline of the project as quickly as possible, we took the approach of serving simulated data from the variants/search method. We currently use a very naive and simplistic model for generating variants, in which SNPs are distributed over all query regions uniformly at a fixed density. The model is simplistic, but it is consistent: regardless of the context, any query that intersects with a given position will always return precisely the same variant. Thus, from a client's perspective, it would appear that the server is returning (not very plausible) variants drawn from an infinitely large file.

Only SNPs are returned presently, but more complex variants could also be added. For example, large indels could be included by generating a list of variants with the required properties when the server starts. We then build a lookup table of the extremities of these regions. When we are generating a variant for a particular site, we first search to see if it intersects with any of the generated indels; if it does, we return the indel. If not, we generate a SNP as before. This can be implemented quite efficiently if the number of large variants is reasonably small and they don't overlap.

The implementation will certainly need to serve from existing data files, but there are distinct advantages in also being able to simulate data:

  • We can simulate arbitrarily large datasets without worrying about memory usage and needing to deal with difficult problems of scale. This is useful for the initial development of the protocol, allowing us to (for example) quickly benchmark protocol throughput. This would also be a useful tool for developers writing client code in the longer term.
  • Devising a reasonable model for simulating data forces us to be explicit about the assumptions we make about the underlying data. If we just work on translating data from existing formats, there is the danger that we inherit their assumptions.
  • Working exclusively from existing data files also biases the development towards the types of data that are currently easily available. To consider the full implications of choices made in the protocol design, we should be able to serve data under a wide variety of assumptions (e.g. different ploidy levels, etc.).
  • The availability of a good source of random data is essential for large scale testing.

Generating variants randomly in a consistent manner is relatively straightforward; however, implementing the reads API in a similar fashion would be much more difficult. Thus, while the arguments above in favour of implementing a simulated backend for reads still hold, they may not be sufficiently strong to justify the effort required.

Trying it out

The project is designed to be published as a PyPI package, so ultimately installing the reference client and server programs should be as easy as:

$ pip install ga4gh

However, the code is currently only a proposal, so it has not been uploaded to the Python package index. The best way to try out the code right now is to use virtualenv. After cloning the git repo, and changing to the project directory, do the following:

$ virtualenv testenv
$ source testenv/bin/activate
$ python setup.py install

This should install the ga4gh_server and ga4gh_client scripts into the virtualenv and update your PATH so that they are available. When you have finished trying out the programs you can leave the virtualenv using:

$ deactivate

The virtualenv can be restarted at any time, and can also be deleted when you no longer need it.

The easiest way to run the client and server programs is to keep both on your local machine, and use one shell for each. For example, we can start the server running in one shell using:

$ ga4gh_server simulate

We can then send messages to this server using, e.g.:

$ ga4gh_client variants-search --start=400 --end=405

This tells the client to sent a variants/search message in which we set the start attribute to 400 and the end attribute to 405. The results are printed out in a crude VCF-like manner. We can see more detail about the protocol messages being exchanged by adding -v options to turn up the verbosity.

To get help on the various options for the client and server programs use the help command or the -h option to get help for a specific command. For example:

$ ga4gh_client variants-search -h
usage: ga4gh_client variants-search [-h] [--referenceName REFERENCENAME]
                                    [--variantName VARIANTNAME]
                                    [--start START] [--end END]
                                    [--maxResults MAXRESULTS]

Search for variants

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Only return variants on this reference.
                        Only return variants which have exactly this name.
  --start START, -s START
                        The start of the search range (inclusive).
  --end END, -e END     The end of the search range (exclusive).
                        The maximum number of variants returned in one

Wormtable backend

The wormtable backend allows us to serve variants from an arbitrary VCF file. The VCF file must first be converted to wormtable format using the vcf2wt utility (the wormtable tutorial discusses this process). A subset (1000 rows for each chromosome) of the 1000 Genomes VCF data (20110521 and 20130502 releases) has been prepared and converted to wormtable format and made available here. See Converting 1000G data for more information on converting 1000 genomes data into wormtable format.

To run the server on this example dataset, create a virtualenv and install wormtable:

$ virtualenv testenv
$ source testenv/bin/activate
$ pip install wormtable

See the wormtable PyPI page for detailed instructions on installing wormtable and its dependencies.

Now, download and unpack the example data,

$ wget http://www.well.ox.ac.uk/~jk/ga4gh-example-data.tar.gz
$ tar -zxvf ga4gh-example-data.tar.gz

and install the client and server scripts into the virtualenv (assuming you are in the project root directory):

$ python setup.py install

We can now run the server, telling it to serve variants from the sets in the downloaded datafile:

$ ga4gh_server wormtable ga4gh-example-data

To run queries against this server, we can use the ga4gh_client program; for example, here we run the variants/search method over the 1000g_2013 variant set, where the reference name is 1, the end coordinate is 60000 and we only want calls returned for call set ID HG03279:

$ ga4gh_client variants-search 1000g_2013 -r1 -e 60000 -c HG03279 | less -S

We can also query against the variant name; here we return the variant that has variant name rs75454623:

$ ga4gh_client variants-search 1000g_2013 -r1 -e 60000 -n rs75454623  | less -S

Converting 1000G data

To duplicate the data for the above example, we must first create VCF files that contain the entire variant set of interest. The VCF files for the set mentioned above have been made available. After downloading and extracting these files, we can build the wormtable using vcf2wt:

$ vcf2wt 1000g_2013-subset.vcf -s schema-1000g_2013.xml -t 1000g_2013

Schemas for the 2011 and 2013 1000G files have been provided as these do a more compact job of storing the data than the default auto-generated schemas. We must also truncate and remove some columns because of a current limitation in the length of strings that wormtable can handle. After building the table, we must create indexes on the POS and ID columns:

$ wtadmin add 1000g_2013 CHROM+POS
$ wtadmin add 1000g_2013 CHROM+ID

The wtadmin program supports several commands to administer and examine the dataset; see wtadmin help for details. These commands and schemas also work for the full 1000G data; however, it is important to specify a sufficiently large cache size when building and indexing such large tables.


The code for the project is held in the ga4gh package, which corresponds to the ga4gh directory in the project root. Within this package, the functionality is split between the client, server and protocol modules. There is also a subpackage called scripts which holds the code defining the command line interfaces for the ga4gh_client and ga4gh_server programs.

For development purposes, it is useful to be able to run the command line programs directly without installing them. To do this, make hard links to the files in the scripts directory to the project root and run them from there; e.g:

$ ln ga4gh/scripts/server.py .
$ python server.py
usage: server.py [-h] [--port PORT] [--verbose] {help,simulate} ...
server.py: error: too few arguments

Coding style

The code follows the guidelines of PEP 8 in most cases. The only notable difference is the use of camel case over underscore delimited identifiers; this is done for consistency with the GA4GH API. The code was checked for compliance using the pep8 tool.


Here is a partial list of the outstanding issues with the current implementation and discussion of what might be done to address these issues.

Completing the variant/search method

The variants/search method currently only handles the very simplest case in which we search for variants between start and end.

Error handling

No attempt is currently made to handle errors within the client or server. This can be extended fairly easily, but there are some issues that need to be addressed by the protocol. For example, are there standard errors to be raised when a non-conforming protocol message is received by the server? Does the protocol specify some classes of error or leave this entirely up to the implementation? When do we return HTTP error status codes and when do we return a HTTP success along with a GAException object?

We also need to add functionality to detect protocol errors in the ga4gh.protocol module. These fall into several classes:

  1. Missing or additional attributes in the JSON definition of a ProtocolElement;
  2. Missing mandatory values, or mutually contradictory values;
  3. Type errors;
  4. Bounds errors (e.g. maxResults=-1);
  5. More?

Adding all Protocol classes

Presently, only a small subset of the GA4GH API has been implemented in the ga4gh.protocol module. These classes are simple copies of the classes defined in Avro, and inherit from a superclass to provide the JSON serialisation/deserialisation functionality. The classes contain an instance variable for all of the attributes defined in JSON, plus a simple annotation to help define the acceptable types.

It is a simple (if tedious) job to convert the Avro definitions into the corresponding Python classes. However, this is not a very satisfactory approach since the definitions and documentation of the classes will inevitably become out of sync with the Avro definitions. It would be much better if we could devise a way to automatically generate the Python code from the Avro definitions. This could then be regenerated and checked into git each time the definitions go through a version change.

Test cases

There are currently no test cases. A comprehensive test suite must be included with a reference implementation such as this. There would be considerable overlap between the process of rigorously testing this implementation and in defining an API compliance test suite. Therefore, one approach might be to add a ga4gh.compliance module which would provide the definitions of what a compliant API must be. This could be utilised by the internal test suite, as well as forming the basis for a compliance checking script.

Adding support for the reads API

Only the variants API is supported at the moment, so the reads API must be added.

Adding support for serving from VCF/SAM files

Using a simulator to generate variants and reads is useful for development purposes, but it is essential that we support real data files also. There are some technical challenges in this, if we wish to support realistic file sizes.