This repository contains curated technical interview questions by fn+geeks community
Pinned issues
- 17
bubble sort CPP
#676 opened by rom1trt - 5
Disjoint set code in C++
#649 opened by Aashna-Agrawal - 3
buy_sell stock
#669 opened by akshitagupta15june - 2
[Math] Implement factorial in C
#623 opened by roeey777 - 4
Write the code for bubble sort, insertion sort, quicksort(with random pivot), mergesort and heapsort for sorting N numbers. Vary the value of N from 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000, 100000, 500000, 1000000, 5000000; and for each value perform 10 observations of execution time for the search operation. Plot the result in a graph.
#631 opened by shrikantpadhy18 - 5
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Python implementation of Disjoint Set
#665 opened by atyachari - 3
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- 0
Remove / Replace Link
#671 opened by vikas780 - 3
Max Heap Data Structure using C
#553 opened by shrikantpadhy18 - 0
Depth First Search algorithm in C++
#660 opened by 0xamitdutta - 0
- 0
Breadth First Search (Searching Algorithm for graph)
#661 opened by JIBIN-P - 0
Java implementation of Disjoint Set
#663 opened by atyachari - 1
Add comments
#641 opened by ark1911 - 0
Kadane Algorithm in O(n)
#651 opened by Aashna-Agrawal - 2
[Data Structure] Dynamic Array [C]
#565 opened by dhruvhacks - 0
- 2
A forensic lab wants to know whether a deceased person’s DNA matches a set of known relatives. It is known that the closest relatives will have most of the DNA matching, and as the relationship becomes farther, the matching genes will be lesser. For this, the DNA pattern of the deceased is given and the DNA pattern of 10 likely relatives are given. Write a program to identify the family of the deceased.
#632 opened by shrikantpadhy18 - 1
Update readme
#554 opened by palakjadwani - 0
[Algorithm][Naive String Matching][Java]
#539 opened by swarajc - 2
[Algorithm] Longest Common Subsequence [Python]
#522 opened by pranitb10 - 0
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[Algorithm][Boyer Moore Algorithm][C]
#541 opened by swarajc - 1
[Algorithm] Factorial [Python]
#521 opened by ofemeteng - 0
#621 opened by zahirahmed88 - 2
Fenwick Tree Algorithm
#615 opened by krritik - 2
Algorithm to find nth fibonacci number in o(log(n))
#614 opened by krritik - 1
[Algorithm] [Sieve of Eratosthenes] [C]
#607 opened by RMPR - 2
Matrix Rotation
#602 opened by prachijustin - 1
String Reverse and kthSmallestElement
#601 opened by prachijustin - 0
AVL Tree in python
#584 opened by sauravjaiswalsj - 0
Avl Tree in C
#585 opened by sauravjaiswalsj - 0
Avl Tree.java
#583 opened by sauravjaiswalsj - 0
#581 opened by sauravjaiswalsj - 2
ShellSort in Java
#579 opened by sauravjaiswalsj - 0
Trie in Java
#577 opened by sauravjaiswalsj - 0
TwoSum Airbnb in python
#574 opened by sauravjaiswalsj - 1
[Algorithm] Counting Sort [Python]
#508 opened by manotien - 0
Dynamic Array in Java
#572 opened by sauravjaiswalsj - 1
[Algorithm][Sieve of Eratosthenes][Python]
#567 opened by joshestein - 0
[Data Structure] Dynamic Array [Python]
#560 opened by ofemeteng - 1
[Algorithm] Factorial [Java]
#527 opened by ofemeteng - 0
[Data Structure] Deque [Python]
#517 opened by ofemeteng - 1
[Data Structure] Doubly LinkedList [C++]
#513 opened by pjain312 - 0
[Algo] Generate Parentheses [Python]
#510 opened by JaredLGillespie - 0
#499 opened by siddharthrajaraja - 1
[Algorithm] Kruskals Algorithm [C]
#500 opened by Rex1911 - 0
#506 opened by siddharthrajaraja