Kokkos C++ Performance Portability Programming EcoSystem: Math Kernels - Provides BLAS, Sparse BLAS and Graph Kernels
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Implement Block SpGEMM
#29 opened by mzuzek - 0
Support std::complex
#27 opened by mzuzek - 1
Copy (Kokkos) implementation for `apply` in `Tpetra::BlockCrsMatrix` into Kokkos-Kernels
#4 opened by fnrizzi - 0
Fix C++2a usage in templated unrolling
#25 opened by mzuzek - 0
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Optimize blockSize=1 specializations
#28 opened by mzuzek - 6
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Add call to Cusparse and MKL `spmv`
#21 opened by uhetmaniuk - 0
Complete BPSMV_Functor
#17 opened by uhetmaniuk - 0
Compilation issue with GPU
#19 opened by uhetmaniuk - 0
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Implement general spmv() interface that specializes for block and non-block crs inputs (matrix template).
#10 opened by uhetmaniuk - 19
Write a routine to read a subset of matrices from SuiteSparse (7 matrices) into KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix
#5 opened by uhetmaniuk - 4
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