A Discord Music Bot written in JavaScript, the discord.js library and discord.js-commando framework
Installing the dependencies
npm i
Make a config.json file in the root directory of the project and add:
"prefix": "!",
"discord_owner_id": "Your-Discord-ID",
"token": "Your-Bot-Token",
"tenorAPI": "tenor-API-key",
"newsAPI": "news-api-key",
"youtubeAPI": "youtube-api-key",
"yandexAPI": "yandex-api-key",
"geniusLyricsAPI": "genius-api-key"
Open index.js and change the ID in line 30 to your discord user ID
I run the bot on a debian 9 environment so it might not work as intended on other operating systems(although it should), if you need a guide on how to install node.js on debian 9 or ubuntu I will link one in the resources down below.
Also, no matter what operating system you have, make sure ffmpeg and python 2.7 are installed. Discord.js now requires Node version greater than or equal to 12.0.0 .
If you are not cloning this repo, make sure your dependencies versions are the same as this repo's.
- Music
Command | Description | Usage |
!play | Play any song or playlist from youtube, you can do it by searching for a song by name or song url or playlist url | !play darude sandstorm |
!pause | Pause the current playing song | !pause |
!resume | Resume the current paused song | !resume |
!leave | Leaves voice channel if in one | !leave |
!remove | Remove a specific song from queue by its number in queue | !remove 4 |
!queue | Display the song queue | !queue |
!shuffle | Shuffle the song queue | !shuffle |
!skip | Skip the current playing song | !skip |
!skipall | Skip all songs in queue | !skipall |
!skipto | Skip to a specific song in the queue, provide the song number as an argument | !skipto 5 |
!volume | Adjust song volume | !volume 80 |
!music-trivia | Engage in a music trivia with your friends. You can add more songs to the trivia pool in resources/music/musictrivia.json | !music-trivia |
!loop | Loop the currently playing song | !loop 5 |
!lyrics | Get lyrics of any song or the lyrics of the currently playing song | !lyrics song-name |
!now-playing | Display the current playing song with a playback bar | !now-playing |
- Misc
Command | Description | Usage |
!cat | Get a cute cat picture | !cat |
!fortune | Get a fortune cookie tip | !fortune |
!insult | Generate an evil insult | !insult |
!chucknorris | Get a satirical fact about Chuck Norris | !chucknorris |
!motivation | Get a random motivational quote | !motivation |
!global-news | Latest headlines from reuters, you can change the news source to whatever news source you want, just change the source in line 13 in global-news.js or ynet-news.js | !global-news |
!random | Generate a random number between two provided numbers | !random 0 100 |
Replies with 5 top non nsfw subreddit posts | !reddit askreddit | |
!say | Make the bot say anything | !say Lorem Ipsum |
!translate | Translate to any language using yandex translation service(only supported lanugages) | !translate ありがとう |
!whomademe | Info about me and the repo | !whomademe |
!uptime | Replies with the bot's total uptime | !uptime |
- Gifs
Command | Description | Usage |
!animegif | Get an anime related gif by a query | !animegif one punch man |
!gif | Get any gif by a query | !gif labrador |
!gintama | Replies with a random gintama gif | !gintama |
!jojo | Replies with a random jojo gif | !jojo |
- Guild
Command | Description | Usage |
!ban | Bans a tagged member | !ban @johndoe |
!kick | Kicks a tagged member | !kick @johndoe |
!prune | Delete up to 99 recent messages | !prune 50 |
Fork it and submit a pull request! Anyone is welcome to suggest new features and improve code quality!
- Feature: Saved queues (Being worked on)
encoder-glitch - uptime command
chimaerra - minor command tweaks