Easy and Fast TCP/UDP connection stresser using Goroutines workers
Usage example:
./gostresser <hostname> <port> <protocol> <seconds> <num_workers>
./gostresser example.com 80 tcp 120 15
git clone https://github.com/fnzv/gostresser && cd gostresser && go build gostresser.go
- Support different protocols (L1 to L7) - Partially Done with ports/proto
- Use all CPU with workers - Need to stress test more goroutines
- Proxy connections thru SOCKS proxies (TOR,system proxy ecc.. or pass external proxy list) - use golang.org/x/net/proxy?
- Custom/Autogenerated UserAgents
- Simulate User Activity on HTTP stress tests (Crawl pages and open links..)
- Distributed Stresser on multiple instances or devices
- Ubuntu 14/16 - go1.8.3 linux/amd64 (to avoid OS limits --> ulimit -n 1000000)