
Yes.. definitely not a L2 networking protocol

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

TMPLS (trackmepls)

Yes.. not a L2 networking protocol (j.k.) but a very simple URL tracking tool in order to get notified in realtime when a particular URL is opened

NOTE: this tool was made for educational/studying purposes (must write this here before someone starts doing something un-"gdpr")


This application is very simple and requires only Go, under this repo you will find .yml files and a Dockerfile in order to deploy it on a k8s cluster or run it locally (before deploying on k8s change the docker image and registry, on the example you will see the gitlab container registry)


Run the tracking service locally:

# docker build -t trackmepls .

# docker run -d -p trackmepls

# curl 127.1/?uri=example.org -I
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Location: http://example.org
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2020 23:15:39 GMT

In order to recieve Telegram notification you will require to setup those ENV vars and pass them to the docker container (e.g. docker run -e TGBOT_CHATID -e TGBOT_TOKEN -d -p trackmepls):



  1. Generate a decoy html page containing a 301 request to our tracking service, e.g. example.org/something_you_want_to_share (this is the url you will send to the enduser containing a hidden redirect):
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=http://mytrackingservice.xyz/?uri=example.org/destination_url">
  1. Once the tracking service is up and running you can test it by browsing the tracking URL:
  1. Everytime a visitor opens the tracking service the owner will get a realtime notification

User opens https://example.org/something_you_want_to_share

Request is redirected to http://mytrackingservice.xyz/?uri=example.org/destination_url via html

The tracking service will log all the request headers and send a notification to the owner of the URL via Telegram

User is redirected to the intended url example.org/destination_url

Under the current working directory all the requests are logged also inside tracker.log file

For any doubt or question feel free to contact me